Justice system, My A$$....


Poem Commentary

I hate the government and their crooked ass workers and In my opinion they all need to be shot! Put some rednecks in their and people will have a chance. The lawyers are supposed to fight for the victim especially when those bastards are getting paid and the judge is supposed to hear all sides including the accused but it don’t work that way.... they all need to be fired and pay us innocent victims money for ruining our life’s over their stupid actions....

Justice system, My A$$....


Off to jail I go
cuz I can’t afford to be a ho
Or deal no drugs for dough 
So now I get a cage 
I’m full of rage 
I might choke myself in a daze 
Stop trying to win this race 
No need 2 keep waisting space
I’m tired of looking at this ugly face day after day 
I should start smoking dope
Maybe it will help me cope
That’s what the druggies say
Except I know the facts of the toll it takes on people’s brains
So I don’t wanna do that 
I definitely don’t want my daughter doing that crap
I give up 
Off to jail I go
cuz I can’t afford to be no ho
Or deal no drugs for dough 
So now I get a cage 
I’m full of rage 
I might choke myself in a daze 
Stop trying to win this race 
No need 2 keep waisting space
I’m tired of looking at this ugly face
I should start smoking dope
Maybe it will help me cope
That’s what the druggies say
Except I know the facts
And the toll it takes on people’s brains
So I don’t wanna do that 
I definitely don’t want my daughter doing that crap
I give up on trying to doright and be a good citizen
I’m going to show them a raging pissed off christian
Get accused for crimes I didn’t do
They won’t even let provide the truth
They put me on probation over a bullshit situation 
Then they violate me cuz I ain’t got their magic wand 
And they lie to me to scared to talk to me
And now I’m supposed to come up with money magically
Well this Bitch is broke
I can’t even afford to choke
Off to hell I go,  
Satan has taken his toll
It’s hard to forgive others for ruining my life
I should have a home, some animals, a farm & a man who calls me his wife,
They ruined my daughters life too by lying about mine
How do I raise my daughter when I can’t make a dime???
No one will hire a criminal they can’t write off on taxes,
I ain’t colored or a so called minority or a fricking immigrant 
So my ass is as worthless as a pile of shit
but see even shit serves a purpose 
So I am the scum of the earth
I feel as if I’m always going to be cursed.....



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sevyn7 commented on Justice system, My A$$....


Wow your words ring so true about the system. Hold on the your faith, because I believe soon this crazy world is coming to a point where all will be judged, it will be as swift as an arrow, merciless, and as harsh as thunder. So keep fighting the good fight, and may blessings come your way.



Thanks for the advice. I’m trying to hold onto my faith and tiny hope I have but Satan has a strong grip... I hope God gives them all a taste of their medicine soon. Thanks for reading and commenting!!



Make me strong in spirit Courageous in action Gentle of heart Let me act in wisdom Conquer my fear and doubt Discover my own hidden gifts Meet others with compassion Be a sourced healing energies And face each day with hope and joy I just came across this poem right before I read your comment. I think it was meant for me to share it with you as well as for me to stubble upon this beautiful poem. I cannot take credit for writing this.

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

Worthless’s Poems (108)

Title Comments
Title Comments
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Words... 0
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Last Breath 0
Justice system, My A$$.... 1
Satans slave 0
Dear Daughter, My Sweet Princess... 0
Is there really hope??? 1
Dear Heavenly Father.... 0
Deep in the depths of hell... 0
Waiting in torture for you to call.... 0
I dont understand...
Children.... 0
Butterflies in the sky... 0
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missing you today, tomorrow and forever... 0
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Humans.. 1
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I Hate You Luke 5
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Blood Tears 1
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Forclosure 4
Mouse Hunting 4
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I wanna... 2
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So, Folks 2
This Hill I stumble upon... 2
I LOVE... 4
Feelings of Imagination and truth... 2
Who Am I? 7
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Dear Mr. President 4
Girly Girl... 1
A Seed in Bloom... 0
Deathly Pissed... 0
Life 2
Is this what you call a home? 2
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March 27... 1
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Opening Day... 1
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The Love of A Child... 4
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Letter to You, Not knowing who... 1
Kids... 1
I GIVE UP!!!! 5
A love that ain't there 1
A new lust, not love... 1
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Never Enuf 1
Real Man 2
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Worthless 4