Dear Daughter, My Sweet Princess...


Dear Daughter, My Sweet Princess...

My Sweet Loving Daughter,
How I love You more then ever,
Right now it may not seem so
But I tell You it is & You outta know...
How I feel about You & Your future,
Supporting us alone &  dealing with stress is torture,
I know it's no excuse for how Ive treated You,
Mommy hates punishing U more then U can imagine,
I tell You with my whole heart it's True, I promise U!!!!
I never imagined our life would be so stressful,
I am deeply sorry I put U thru all of this hell,
But know we will survive this with a story to tell...
God knows our struggles & is with us daily,
I know I haven't showed it much & U are confused,
I promise you I will do better to be the best Mom ever,
I Love You dearly more then life itself & I will forever,
We are a team just You and Mommy,
We have to work together You and I sweetie,
Only we can change our situation with God's help,
We need to pray & have faith & live for God everyday,
My sweet Zina Carol Louise, Mommy loves you Dearly,
I really want things to change, I know I made mistakes,
And so have U but U are a child & today is a new day, 
We are children of God, yes me too Darling, 
We need to make Our heavenly Father happy,
So what do you say, let's forgive each other,
Let's learn to Re-respect ourselves & each other,
Let's learn together & move forward,
I know U are strong & capable & smart,
You need to start listening & do your homework,
I know you can Sweetie cuz You are my daughter,
God made U strong & smart & beautiful,
And U know what You are the best Gift Ive ever had,
God gave us each other & U are my one & only daughter,
No one will ever love U more then I do & U need to know,
Even when Mommy is bad, I still love You,
Mommy's make mistakes too,
I know they create big boo boos not just with you,
I hurt too & I pray for healing & forgiveness,
All we have is each other & we need to change shoes,
God loves us as we are but we need to be better,
Let's make a pledge to ourselves & God & Grandma,
That we will work with each other & protect one another,
We will love & respect & be happy & content,
Let's make it all happen today & re-connect,
I love you & I tell you no because I love you,
Not because I'm trying to hurt you or be mean,
You need to stop lying & sneaking & eating junk candy,
I don't want you to end up with diabetes,
It is a serious diease & it can kill you Princess,
You are my Sweetie & I can't live without you,
Please talk to me & be honest with me,
I wanna help you & guide you, not hurt you,
You are bright & beautiful, I am here to teach you,
Please Sweetheart, Help me to help you I love U...
DarlinG you are the love of my life,
I wouldn't trade you for the world cuz you are my light,
Let's spark it up and let it shine as bright as can be,
It's You & Me & God sweetie against the world,
Let's rock and roll cuz we are Gods girls...
I love you princess, let's pick up this mess....

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Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

Worthless’s Poems (108)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Insane Train 0
Screw you ju-LIE 0
Blessed be the Dead... 0
Silent words slowly heard.... 0
Fuck you satan!!! 0
Wake up Sunshine... 0
God has a plan.... 0
Unscrambled word pool... 0
Here we go again.... 1
Call me please???? 0
Your dancing a path to my heart... 0
Will you be my valentine?? 0
Words... 0
A game of hide and seek... 2
Last Breath 0
Justice system, My A$$.... 1
Satans slave 0
Dear Daughter, My Sweet Princess... 0
Is there really hope??? 1
Dear Heavenly Father.... 0
Deep in the depths of hell... 0
Waiting in torture for you to call.... 0
I dont understand...
Children.... 0
Butterflies in the sky... 0
Fire ant on Rampage... 0
Grocery store Hottie... 0
LORD, I NEED YOU!!!!!! 1
Young Love 0
I Barely Know You... 1
missing you today, tomorrow and forever... 0
Faithful Mysteries... 3
A Nightmare without a Care... 3
Satans Game of Pain... 1
I sit here and wait 5
mother nature 2
I MISS MY FRIEND! (read again & read between the lines last) 2
I Need a Good Nights Rest... 1
Now I know my A,B,C's!!! 3
Love Life.. (Short Story) 1
hmmm 0
Mystery Man... 3
The Empty Closet 2
Death And Life Combined 0
He's playing games with me! 0
Pen and Paper 4
Men 4
Humans.. 1
I Got A Feeling... 1
Go To Bed My Ugly Friend.. 1
A Father's Voice 2
Love Does NOT EXIST 1
Help Me 10
High On Lies 6
I Hate You Luke 5
Connect the Tears 1
Blood Tears 1
Disappearing Memory 2
Forclosure 4
Mouse Hunting 4
Nothing Left 3
I wanna... 2
30 Minute Meal 3
So, Folks 2
This Hill I stumble upon... 2
I LOVE... 4
Feelings of Imagination and truth... 2
Who Am I? 7
I Don't have time 2
Dear Mr. President 4
Girly Girl... 1
A Seed in Bloom... 0
Deathly Pissed... 0
Life 2
Is this what you call a home? 2
Love is fake? 2
March 27... 1
FAT & UGLY!!! 3
Loving You Still? 4
Opening Day... 1
My sister and Me... 6
Boyfriend Lies? 0
What do you care what's wrong with me? 2
Tied to the sheets that make me bleed... 4
What do I do? You leave me so confused... 0
The Love of A Child... 4
Sleep Tight... 1
Letter to You, Not knowing who... 1
Kids... 1
I GIVE UP!!!! 5
A love that ain't there 1
A new lust, not love... 1
Is there anything you need today? 1
Never Enuf 1
Real Man 2
God is Here 2
Worthless 4