Unscrambled word pool...


Unscrambled word pool...

Im going to just spit it out,
You rescued me from this painful drought,
I have alot of worry and doubt
But now your here to help me figure this all out...

I have a million words for you,
But they wrap around the 3 or 6 little word pool,
I try my best not to tell you how i really feel about you,
But The more i speak to you the more i wanna let it all spew...

Ive never been good at holding my tongue before, 
But i want this what we have to be an open door,
So i have to pray for what i feel,
And I hope God will expose whats real....

I dont wanna lose ya cuz i really care, 
I worry and these feelings are really rare,
But why cant it just be easy and she wasnt there??
Why does God always allow satan to put in a dare??? 

Its like they are playing games with my heart,
And i am a really screwed up ugly peice of art,
The darts peirce thru my soul and splatter on a bloody chart, 
I need you to help me clean it up & carry me back to start...

I wanna feel bad for what weve done, 
But i know God gave me you so i wanna steal you and run,
I have to be patient though if i want this to last,
Cuz i already have a real rocky past, 
And I cant afford for us to be thrown in the trash yet again...

Truth is one of my qualities and now i need to speak it freely,
So Johnnie Andrew Clair, Im gonna just tell you this quickly,
But know its beyond my control what you have already done to me,
Here i go telling you the words that haunt me dearly....

Im still beating around the bush and my hands are at pause,
My heart however tells me this is for a good cause,
You dont even know all my pain or flaws,
But I still wanna tell you cuz my heart is on unthaw,
Since you caught me when i took the fall.... 

Ironically, I have to say the radio is speaking to me,
Every song says to you what i wanna say all to freely...
George Jones, Kenny chesney, Joe dee mesina, dierks bently...
All of them and more are speaking right at me,
Do you think it might be a trap or they just torturing me???

Ok Here it goes, I... wait just a second, I think you already know???
Cuz you to might feel the same but scared too to let it flow??
Cuz someone else came first before i got lost on your road,
Your a caring man so you dont wanna let either of us go,
Its ok for now, i can stay stranded in this pot hole,
You go take care of her while i stay waiting & praying God is in control....

So much for short and sweet,
You stole my heart & soul from the very beginning,
I cant sleep or speak without your name on my brain Johnnie, 
Its all your fault for doing this to meπŸ€”πŸ€·‍♀️πŸ’ͺπŸ˜˜πŸ’˜πŸ’žπŸ˜...

The word pool has unscrambled & Im gonna solve the puzzle with my lips,
I think you get that feeling to when we are near & when we kiss?? 
Is this just a trick from satan or is it for real a true peace of heavenly bliss???
I think about others but all that matters is you even if they will be pissed...

Alright gosh darn it, Have i told you lately how much of you i really do miss??
Have i told you lately i get lost in your soul when we kiss,
Have i told you lately I like taking risks?? 
Ok fine i get it i do you wanna know what im trying to spit...

Well the cats outta the cradle and the cows hung the moon,
Now its just you and I in this great big room,
So what i have to tell you... is oh look the witch found her broom,
Haha, did you see that squirrel kissing that coon???
Oh what a feeling it must be love...
See God is torturing me still from above with these songs,

You are a dream come true & Im here to tell you Johnnie Andrew,
I know not why but Im slowly falling in love with you...
Now you know the whole truth 
And Im scared to death too... 
What can i say God made me love you,
pick the bone with him, i tell you its true.. 
i have no power of blessings or happiness, 
I am a curse, a dreadful trap, a great big mess,
But I Love you, I truly Do... 
Thanks alot Johnnie Andrew... 
I am falling in Love with you...
Maybe you feel the same way too???  

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Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Worthless’s Poems (108)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Insane Train 0
Screw you ju-LIE 0
Blessed be the Dead... 0
Silent words slowly heard.... 0
Fuck you satan!!! 0
Wake up Sunshine... 0
God has a plan.... 0
Unscrambled word pool... 0
Here we go again.... 1
Call me please???? 0
Your dancing a path to my heart... 0
Will you be my valentine?? 0
Words... 0
A game of hide and seek... 2
Last Breath 0
Justice system, My A$$.... 1
Satans slave 0
Dear Daughter, My Sweet Princess... 0
Is there really hope??? 1
Dear Heavenly Father.... 0
Deep in the depths of hell... 0
Waiting in torture for you to call.... 0
I dont understand...
Children.... 0
Butterflies in the sky... 0
Fire ant on Rampage... 0
Grocery store Hottie... 0
LORD, I NEED YOU!!!!!! 1
Young Love 0
I Barely Know You... 1
missing you today, tomorrow and forever... 0
Faithful Mysteries... 3
A Nightmare without a Care... 3
Satans Game of Pain... 1
I sit here and wait 5
mother nature 2
I MISS MY FRIEND! (read again & read between the lines last) 2
I Need a Good Nights Rest... 1
Now I know my A,B,C's!!! 3
Love Life.. (Short Story) 1
hmmm 0
Mystery Man... 3
The Empty Closet 2
Death And Life Combined 0
He's playing games with me! 0
Pen and Paper 4
Men 4
Humans.. 1
I Got A Feeling... 1
Go To Bed My Ugly Friend.. 1
A Father's Voice 2
Love Does NOT EXIST 1
Help Me 10
High On Lies 6
I Hate You Luke 5
Connect the Tears 1
Blood Tears 1
Disappearing Memory 2
Forclosure 4
Mouse Hunting 4
Nothing Left 3
I wanna... 2
30 Minute Meal 3
So, Folks 2
This Hill I stumble upon... 2
I LOVE... 4
Feelings of Imagination and truth... 2
Who Am I? 7
I Don't have time 2
Dear Mr. President 4
Girly Girl... 1
A Seed in Bloom... 0
Deathly Pissed... 0
Life 2
Is this what you call a home? 2
Love is fake? 2
March 27... 1
FAT & UGLY!!! 3
Loving You Still? 4
Opening Day... 1
My sister and Me... 6
Boyfriend Lies? 0
What do you care what's wrong with me? 2
Tied to the sheets that make me bleed... 4
What do I do? You leave me so confused... 0
The Love of A Child... 4
Sleep Tight... 1
Letter to You, Not knowing who... 1
Kids... 1
I GIVE UP!!!! 5
A love that ain't there 1
A new lust, not love... 1
Is there anything you need today? 1
Never Enuf 1
Real Man 2
God is Here 2
Worthless 4