A new lust, not love...


Poem Commentary

Some A hole that I met was good at lying and cheating and deceiving.. I guess i was getting used to talking to and trusting Tad with things no one knows. And I maybe thought I could try to trust a man and have a boyfriend again, but I was wrong! All men are liars and cheaters! Lesson learned, no more taking unwanted chances!!

A new lust, not love...

You and me we met again on 7/13?
I was scared you would lie, steal and cheat..
You did! You didn't completly fool me..
On 7/22 is the day I called you,
Stupidity told me to and Devil forced me too..
Wondering if it was the right thing to do?
I thought I could trust you?
But I'm a fool and Tad told me about you..
7/23 the day we went riding together.
7/27 the day you asked me for a kiss,
It was to soon to take that kind of risk?
5 times you committed a crime,
You stole my every dime!
Then I said yes to your question
and I knew I lost my mind!
I never expected the hurt on 8/29?
Then on 9/4, I caught you with that skanky mexicunt whore?
On 9/5 I was starting to come alive?
On 9/9 I told you nothing was fine!
It must be a sign?
9/11 and 9/12 I realized you trapt me in Hell..
On 9/15 I fell right into
another one of my torturous dreams,
I feel more abused by you then
I have ever been by any other man,
and I don't ever want to see you again!
Could you promise me no matter what happens, 
that you will never call Me again? 
Beginning, middle, and the end? 
You were NEVER a friend!
I feel I hate you more
then I will ever know, 
And I'm scared for you to let it all show:)
I feel this must be a hate
God sent from above....
A blind love that only a cockroach could love,
I wanna do more to you then just beat you up...
So Please Asshole, I beg you to take the knife out of my back!
I'm done with you and the Asshole's from the past!
Tell me Lord, Haven't I had enuf? 
I need nor want no more lust!!!
Regrets of minimal Trust and thankful lust!
No more will I be the crust,
because this was not friendship,
or even close to a relationship and it just made me more tough.
I'm glad that I knew what I didn't have.
You were only a stepping stone,
You are the one now who is alone.
Because my life without you in it has been pure happyness
And I thank-You, Good-bye and God-Bless!

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CasimirJash commented on A new lust, not love...


somehow reading this poem... I am inspired to write. I like how you got the days...Are those the exact days? This story some alot like mine in a way of meeting a new friend. If only I had the exact days because I think he's special if only he knew that...(but I think he realizes it) lol nice poem

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Worthless’s Poems (108)

Title Comments
Title Comments
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Children.... 0
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I Barely Know You... 1
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This Hill I stumble upon... 2
I LOVE... 4
Feelings of Imagination and truth... 2
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I Don't have time 2
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Girly Girl... 1
A Seed in Bloom... 0
Deathly Pissed... 0
Life 2
Is this what you call a home? 2
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March 27... 1
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Loving You Still? 4
Opening Day... 1
My sister and Me... 6
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Letter to You, Not knowing who... 1
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A love that ain't there 1
A new lust, not love... 1
Is there anything you need today? 1
Never Enuf 1
Real Man 2
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Worthless 4