To My Daughters


Poem Commentary

This was very hard for me to write, but I have shared my most deepest darkest secerts with you all, why hide now...

To My Daughters

When you were little and to young to know.

I used to watch and wait for you to grow.

I would love to go back into a moment in time when your little hands were clutched in mine.

Your almost old enough now to understand,

Why I had to let you go. I couldn't spend my life without you.

So I chose to watch you from a distance, how proud I am of what you are,

Don't you know you are my shining stars. I wished for you the better things in life,

I hope and pray that God did you right. You are so prescious my darling girls,

I wanted to give you diamonds and pearls.

In my heart I knew without a doubt, for you to stay, you would have gone without.

I could not allow this for my daughters you see, I wanted the world to fall at your feet.

 You are so special, I could not be selfish when it was you who made me so proud.

I did what I thought was best. I hope in time you learn the rest.

I only wanted to see you happy, I hope in time you'll see things my way, for if you don't, all will have been in vain.

I did this for you, even though I was torn apart, My daughters you see you are my heart.

When I left and went away, it took all I had just to sign that day. Don't think for a moment That I didn't want you... It was FOR you that I did it this way.

Maybe one day, someday soon, I'll be able to show this to you.

In this letter, a poem from the heart, I hope you can understand,

I am a MOTHER torn apart.

I love you and miss you with all of my heart.

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ApaqRasgirl commented on To My Daughters


that was a very heart felt write my dear, I can't imagine how hard it was for you to make that decision. if it was anywhere near as hard as the decision I made when I moved to Florida and new it would be a long time before I could see my son again. But I knew he was safe and well loved with his father. My choice was decided for me with the death of my second husband. before his death I saw my son once a week, now it is creeping up on two years...........I can feel you pain just a little dear, for I am sure yours is much greater. Have no fear dear friend for we all know that LOVE is strong and will prevail in the end.........thanks for sharing your heartfelt words with asha

carynontherhine commented on To My Daughters


Kristina, my heart goes out to you as I too had given up a fight with my daughter's father. I had little to take care of her and no money to fight. But, he lost in the end as he tried to break the bond between us, it only grew stronger. Now, she is turning 27 and she hardly even talks to him. Trust me, they will know the truth. Your love they will not forget. Circumstances do not rule, love does! May your heart be not so broken but fill it with the never ending love and believe in your heart they will know. No one ever forgets their mother. It was vital to me that she knew it was not my decision, She already knew. It was vital to me that she felt my love and she already knew. I just wanted her to love me and she already did. My heart is with you and my prayers. A ten plus from me! Hugz

MaisyMiles commented on To My Daughters


Beautiful, yet painful. What you have gone thru I cannot even begin to imagine. Very unselfish mother. Hoping you will reunite with your girls and they will understand your choice was in their best interest.



Thank you! I pray for that day. Yours words touched me, so again thank you.

lonewolf commented on To My Daughters


i definately feel your pain. there is no doubt in my mind, you love your children. they will come to learn just how special you think they are, and just how special you are as well.

PernellRodocker commented on To My Daughters


I only wish that my sister-in-law had felt this way when we were blessed with her child at 3 years old. Now it seems that it doesn't matter... our daughter is now following the path of her birth mother... I only hope that she wises up before her path's end is the same as her birth mother's... This poem says a great deal... I have had to let go of our daughter... she blames us for her situation... God help her and us...

Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Kristina’s Poems (28)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Reborn 1
What if 2
My Flow 3
The Dance 3
Backstabbed by love 2
Thoughts... 3
Falling Star 6
Finding Peace 8
Screaming To Be Free 9
Another year passes 3
Memories 8
Rebirth 9
Confusion 2
Betrayed 7
To My Daughters 12
To My Son 9
Hollow 3
Ain't that a shame 2
This Deep Sadness 13
Darkness 9
Painful Parting 8
A silent Prayer 6
Mine To Keep 14
Seperate Ways 3
Moving on 3
Brave new Me 6
Heartache 3
Just Me 10