Just Me


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  • Loss

    Just Me

    I am who I am, and that's all I can be.
    Won't someone please look and see, to be
    me isn't as easy as I wish it could be
    I found out the hard way that nothing in
    life is set in stone. My heart mourns for
    the love that has gone. I look in the mirror
    and all I see, is broken image of a sad
    looking me. I wish I could be what you
    wanted me to be, but I am who I am, and
    that's all I can be

    Poem Comments


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    Sydney commented on Just Me


    i agree with everyone else here. You are you and no one can and no one ever will change you. screw the person who wants you to change. no way sirree. Sydney.

    KristyLoren commented on Just Me


    You are perfect just the way you are. If people don't accept that than turn and walk away with your head up high. Again an awesome piece of art. Rock on girl!!!!

    SEVEN commented on Just Me


    Well thats all anyone can do, is be themselves...If they try to be what others' want them to be then they only failing themselves...So in other words "JUST BE U"...."F**k" what other ppl thinks or want u to be....

    PRober commented on Just Me


    and being you is plenty enough, from what I can see/read! lol

    Chaos128 commented on Just Me


    You are what nobody else can be, Kris; A unique, individual miracle that never existed before and can never be repeated. If you see that and project it, others will see it too, and I have no doubt they'll be enchanted. Your poem is deeply affecting.

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Kristina’s Poems (28)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Reborn 1
    What if 2
    My Flow 3
    The Dance 3
    Backstabbed by love 2
    Thoughts... 3
    Falling Star 6
    Finding Peace 8
    Screaming To Be Free 9
    Another year passes 3
    Memories 8
    Rebirth 9
    Confusion 2
    Betrayed 7
    To My Daughters 12
    To My Son 9
    Hollow 3
    Ain't that a shame 2
    This Deep Sadness 13
    Darkness 9
    Painful Parting 8
    A silent Prayer 6
    Mine To Keep 14
    Seperate Ways 3
    Moving on 3
    Brave new Me 6
    Heartache 3
    Just Me 10