

  • Emotional


    Laying awake at night, sometimes things don't feel quite right.

    I know I 've been dreading this day, when I turn to

    you and, you turn away.

    In our hearts we know things have changed, both of

    us praying things stay the same.

    We both know whats coming and thats the hardest part...

    What we wouldn't give for a brand new start.

    this road of ours is coming to and end...

    Each of us wondering who will be the one to bend.

    I Lay and I stare at the celling, trying to figure out just

    what I'm feeling.

    How in the world do you tell someone,

    after all these years, those feelings are gone.

    We still love each other just on very different levels.

    All this thinking has me dishevled.

    One of these days there will come a time

    when one of us reaches are breaking line.

    when this happens and we both know it will

    I hope and I pray that my legs stand still.

    I wont back down I'll stay my ground.

    It's time to say goodbye, even though

    I may break down and cry...I can't deny

    my heart when i know its right.

    Tomorrow's on my horizon and yesterdays in my past..

    I'm going to live my days and make em last!!!

    So please hear me when I say with or with out your blessing,

    I'm going anyway.

    Poem Comments


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    lonewolf commented on Rebirth


    this one really hit me hard. i felt i was having this conversation with my ex. major flash backs! good write.

    SEVEN commented on Rebirth


    Gurl I feel ya on this piece...I once had to come to a road like that after spending a journey with my formal gf...It was hard to let go but it had to be done and when it was over i had a sigh of relief....good write.....kudos

    AmadeusEx commented on Rebirth


    i shudder reading these words, knowing each and every line so well...stepping into the void of whatever comes next you just have to hope there is another place, a better one then the place you just left....wonderful poem, spoke right to my heart, a ten from me

    Lolee commented on Rebirth


    Awww.... this is so sad. You sure expressed yourself well. I don't know what i would do if my husband walked away. He has my heart completely...even after thirty-one years. good poem.

    Artie commented on Rebirth


    Great job of showing how feelings can fade if not respected. 10 from me.

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Kristina’s Poems (28)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Reborn 1
    What if 2
    My Flow 3
    The Dance 3
    Backstabbed by love 2
    Thoughts... 3
    Falling Star 6
    Finding Peace 8
    Screaming To Be Free 9
    Another year passes 3
    Memories 8
    Rebirth 9
    Confusion 2
    Betrayed 7
    To My Daughters 12
    To My Son 9
    Hollow 3
    Ain't that a shame 2
    This Deep Sadness 13
    Darkness 9
    Painful Parting 8
    A silent Prayer 6
    Mine To Keep 14
    Seperate Ways 3
    Moving on 3
    Brave new Me 6
    Heartache 3
    Just Me 10