The Maggot of Love


The Maggot of Love

A phantom in my mind persists

I close my lids though I cannot resist

the glowing eyes. the violet fireflies

clenching this soul weary and broken

so do fly away, you mysterious token!

commanding my worn heart to bleed

go on, impervious greed!

But I lust for the fear

the thoughts austere

of your moonlit face against the pier

of my spirit, and the dark obelisk that is my shadow

tells my meeker half, she

must depart quickly or

these bewitching desires mesmerize my thoughts,

they twist the lies and bend the hours

transforming dreams into tangible realities, except

the illusion of love here in this empty bed

on which my mind, suffering, has fed

on your transparent passion

your lucid form

that floated through my window as softest snow

now burrowing like a worm

deep into the centre of longing

these arms open widely though I hold no one nigh

I seldom breathe your warm,seething sigh

Love despises me so Love wounds and grinds

digging, clawing its way into my mind's secret confines

the tunnel to life through the passion in my eye

in which the creature spins, needles, prods as I cry

tearing the flesh with its hungry eyes

though satisfied it never shies 

oh what a disease this love may be

I wish to crush it, I must!

drive this maggot from my heart

scrape it away from lust

these petals shall wilt and I shall be done

down beneath the angered blazing sun,

where this hapless life never begun 

I will sleep in deepness of desire

atop the Moon

forever gored on the firey wire

tangled in that mellifluous voice

his White Eden

where the fruit is innocent

but damned when eaten

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Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

crazygirl77’s Poems (48)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Gray Matter 1
Eye Dye 0
Winter Sky 1
Leaves 1
Night 2
The Romance of Knowledge 3
Superliminal 1
Nerve Splinter (Stomach Butterflies) 1
My Random Thoughts (no structure here) 3
Carnal 0
Pomme 1
Multum in parvo 2
Mind 1
"The Wallflowers" (Geckos) 4
Freudian Stream 5
The Red Bridge 0
Garden Rape (a creative rant) 4
Words... 2
Innocence Relinquished 1
Fourth of JuLIE 2
The Baggage 1
Breakfast Thought 0
Existence vs Resistance 1
Alone with Death 0
The Maggot of Love 0
The Wall and I 0
The Rain 0
Trail of the Snail 0
Break 1
Gardenia 3
Violet Eyes 0
Coco_Nut 1
Midnight Sin 2
Moonlight 3
“Making Love to a Reflection” 8
Art Revived 1
Undone 3
The Rotting Fruit 2
The Struggle 1
Dangerous Mind 0
Blasphemy 6
Awakened by a Scream 1
Life Suckers 3
Random Subconscious 1
Imprisoned Artist 3
False Society 8
It Sleeps 3