

  • Love


    You love me as you love to love
    Cupid’s arrow did not shove
    Its spearhead out of you,
    No it only broke it half in two
    One piece in me and another in you
    Forever we prance on morning dew
    Sliding in and sliding askew
    Teasing and titillating fires of two
    Head and foot both ascending
    Knees and elbows forever bending
    In warmth, in the rays which do not shine
    The hearth of Love crackling gently in the night
    Two lovers we may be, but two hearts we go free
    Twice in love, twice above, then thrice you shove
    Cupid’s arrow deep inside
    Breaking the two into two more
    And our love falls once again to the marble floor

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    Grito commented on Break


    The slide to glide while all triple inside

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    crazygirl77’s Poems (48)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Gray Matter 1
    Eye Dye 0
    Winter Sky 1
    Leaves 1
    Night 2
    The Romance of Knowledge 3
    Superliminal 1
    Nerve Splinter (Stomach Butterflies) 1
    My Random Thoughts (no structure here) 3
    Carnal 0
    Pomme 1
    Multum in parvo 2
    Mind 1
    "The Wallflowers" (Geckos) 4
    Freudian Stream 5
    The Red Bridge 0
    Garden Rape (a creative rant) 4
    Words... 2
    Innocence Relinquished 1
    Fourth of JuLIE 2
    The Baggage 1
    Breakfast Thought 0
    Existence vs Resistance 1
    Alone with Death 0
    The Maggot of Love 0
    The Wall and I 0
    The Rain 0
    Trail of the Snail 0
    Break 1
    Gardenia 3
    Violet Eyes 0
    Coco_Nut 1
    Midnight Sin 2
    Moonlight 3
    LOVE 4
    “Making Love to a Reflection” 8
    Art Revived 1
    Undone 3
    The Rotting Fruit 2
    The Struggle 1
    Dangerous Mind 0
    Blasphemy 6
    Awakened by a Scream 1
    Life Suckers 3
    Random Subconscious 1
    Imprisoned Artist 3
    False Society 8
    It Sleeps 3