The Giver


  • Family
    • Donna
    • havent been here in soo long!! miss my poetry!! its my life!!

    The Giver

    He makes me laugh when I want to cry,
    He gives me life when I felt I've died.
    He gives me strength when I get weak,
    He lifts me up when life feels bleak.

    He comforts me when life gets tough.
    He smooths the bumps when the road gets rough.
    He gets me through the day to day.
    He makes my bosses voice go away.

    He gives me patience when I have none.
    He makes me feel as if I have won.
    He's the gift I feel I deserve.
    He's the reason I try to reserve.

    He makes me sleep, he makes me wake.
    He's the reason behind every breath that I take.
    He's the reason I work, the reason I strive.
    He's the reason that I feel so alive.

    The reason I take the breath that I take.
    The love in my life I can't forsake.
    The spirit in my life that makes me calm.
    The proudest I'be felt to hear the word Mom!!

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    bandit1192 commented on The Giver


    I can feel the pride you have for your son. Good poem TS

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    Donna’s Poems (12)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Kayla 7
    I Give To You 4
    L.O.V.E. 2
    The Vow 2
    Broken Link 3
    Caught In Love 3
    Compromise 1
    Heartbeat 1
    The Giver 1
    Keeper of My Heart 2
    All In A Days Work 1
    A Brave Pastime 1