

  • Donna
  • havent been here in soo long!! miss my poetry!! its my life!!


Torn apart,
Broken soul.
Riddled with sickness,
She had no control.
The spirit lost
Her muscles gone.
But through it all,
Her heart remained strong.
She fought the fight
And got a Wish.
Disney Land-
And Mickey's kiss.
Giving her life to God,
Yet cancer won the war.
Now she's with the man
Who must have needed her more.

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boomboom56 commented on Kayla


I am so sorry for your lose. Sounds like you are trying to come to terms with it. I wish I could hold you and let you cry. I hope you have good friends around you. Let go, but never forget.

PRober commented on Kayla


that is sooo sad and moving, yet a beautiful tribute to a very loved daughter! Great job!

bandit1192 commented on Kayla


I agree with kenparme. Don't change a thing. Sometimes our best poems are written by the heart. I felt your pain. TS

kenparme commented on Kayla


Some things don't need changed and this is one of those things. Very honest and moving.

Donna commented on Kayla


I put this in the forgiveness category for the simple fact that when Kayla left my life it took forgiveness to accept to God needed her more than I did. Just thought I'd clear that up. This took a few minutes to write and I didn't reread or change a thing so if it isn't perfect form or rhythm I apologize but I didn't want to mess with something that flowed out of me like that. Besides it is upsetting to relive and it was better letting it out and accomplishing a second of healing from it.

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

Donna’s Poems (12)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Kayla 7
I Give To You 4
L.O.V.E. 2
The Vow 2
Broken Link 3
Caught In Love 3
Compromise 1
Heartbeat 1
The Giver 1
Keeper of My Heart 2
All In A Days Work 1
A Brave Pastime 1