

  • Passion
    • Donna
    • havent been here in soo long!! miss my poetry!! its my life!!


    A simple kiss, a touch to taste.
    I must see you now, there's no time to waste.
    The urge I feel to see your face,
    Puts me in a cozier place.

    The instant I hear your tender voice,
    Helps me make one single choice.
    Your life and mine are supposed to touch,
    A combination so simple, that means so much.

    You hear my heart pound from so far away,
    And I feel the beats strengthening every day.
    I feel like driving, running, if I must,
    The thousands of miles into the arms that I trust.

    You've engulfed my life with a grand escape,
    To a world of my dreams that I now can partake.
    A vision of you, I keep in my thoughts,
    Something I can't imagime could ever be bought.

    A time has passed with the words we hold dear,
    A time must come for when we are near.
    Body to body, breast to breast,
    You'll know how I feel when your hands on my chest.

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    bandit1192 commented on Heartbeat


    Beautiful. I wish my wife would write to me like that. TS

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    Donna’s Poems (12)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Kayla 7
    I Give To You 4
    L.O.V.E. 2
    The Vow 2
    Broken Link 3
    Caught In Love 3
    Compromise 1
    Heartbeat 1
    The Giver 1
    Keeper of My Heart 2
    All In A Days Work 1
    A Brave Pastime 1