The Feild


The Feild

We stand together in an open field. The sun warming our faces. The wind licking at our skin. The grass beats softly at our legs a rhythm of life of love of energy from the world around us. We face on towards tomorrow unsure uncertain what the world holds in store. Hand and hand we stand tall and brave side by side. Today is anew. Which direction is the question? What way will prove true? How is today that different than those past? What has become of what was? Memories are all the lay in the wasteland of what was. The air is fresh and new. The sun is warm. Your hand is in mine. We are as we should be. No paths are cut. The options are open. So which way is true? We step as one. We are synced in mind and body. Our spirits have touched. Another step. A smile between lovers. We will brave this world as we should together. Hand in hand, foot by foot what ever comes is what will be. As long as we stand strong together what can hold us down. You hold me. I hold you. A grip that can not be undone between hearts. For together we are one. Spirits intertwined through time and space. No distance exists in the closeness. No breath escapes our lips that we don’t both taste. We are ONE

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demacus commented on The Feild


Very nicely written and very good flow I like how it depicts the energy between the two people who are starting there lives together

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

RagusChaos’s Poems (14)

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