A Piece Of Everything


A Piece Of Everything

You touch my face... but you touch my heart... You own me and you know me through and through... You are breath to me... You are love to me... You are the reason for living... Nothing else matters nothing else is real I know only one truth in this life you are its name... You hold me and I hold everything... Is it fake...? Is it real... does it matter... I’m with what means most... I know what holds true within... I see you... I know you... I can taste you on my lips as I suck the air into my lungs... I feel... I breathe... I am… Yet nothing without you... Look at me as you do... Never look away... You hold my life in your hands and the meaning of all of me next to your heart... Can you feel my spirit... can you see my soul... Can you call my name when I am a part of you? You make the pain fade away... You make the years gone past... You are what worth is to me and you feel like life... you feel like home... can you touch me like this forever?

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Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

RagusChaos’s Poems (14)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Ballad of Shadow World 0
Perspectives in Place 7
Is It Time? 3
Cuz it Never Ends 0
The Visions 2
The Meaning Of Torn 1
Lost Words, Empty Mouth, Closed Ears 1
A Piece Of Everything 0
Remembrance 0
Garden Of Savages 2
Master's Call 0
The Feild 1
The Loss 1
The Reach 3