Garden Of Savages


Garden Of Savages

A garden of savages, a land of men.
The waste beyond is held within.
Clever, patients, always aware;
they stand alone yet aren’t there.
Wicked at heart. Beautiful to see.
They destroy all and leave nothing to be.
They can’t endure but won’t be killed.
Savage by nature. Sophisticated and skilled.
Lead by leashes they fashion themselves.
Driven by temptations so obscure.
Filthy to withstand, unnatural at best.
Still they survive still they test.
They create limits to eagerly break.
Given so much they only forsake.
A garden of savages. A waste of land.
A waste of time. We call them Men.

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Trinaanna commented on Garden Of Savages


very raw and powerful, an exploitation of men perhaps. But I like the brutality of it, it's rare.

latinangel commented on Garden Of Savages


Awesome! I love this one. It starts off sounding like a fantasy, maybe unhuman beings or ancient monsters, something like that and in the end you are talking about man kind. Great job I really like your work. The way you put your thoughts into play is just very creative. I am almost speechless. Latin Angel

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

RagusChaos’s Poems (14)

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