


Remember the time when we first touched? Remember the words spoken in the night air... remember the only thing that covered us was the dark of night... Remember our clothes on the floor to our side... You kissed me so softly... You touched me so deeply... We touched we embraced... Your lips on mine... your body against me... Soul to soul... eye to eye... So soft... So slight was the mention of hesitation... So open was the love flowing between us... connecting us... Holding us ever tighter together... As we cuddled... You asked to lay on my chest... Together we slept sharing one heartbeat... Throwing away our last fears... Only what was held together. Only what is... Only together are we truly something so special... So Spectacular the stars fear to light against us... We were lonely as a bird at flight in the dark traveling the world without each other... But together the comfort overcame us both... Opening the doors to a world unknown to either. As we looked in we wondered how we made it through without each other all this time...

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Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

RagusChaos’s Poems (14)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Ballad of Shadow World 0
Perspectives in Place 7
Is It Time? 3
Cuz it Never Ends 0
The Visions 2
The Meaning Of Torn 1
Lost Words, Empty Mouth, Closed Ears 1
A Piece Of Everything 0
Remembrance 0
Garden Of Savages 2
Master's Call 0
The Feild 1
The Loss 1
The Reach 3