Perspectives in Place


Poem Commentary

I was asked if there was meaning behind this poem. I had to chuckle a bit as I admitted yes there was quite a bit of meaning. When asked what the meaning was I could not justly tell all. But I replied. "A soldier's heart break in celebrating the 4th... How the storm represents how our nation's attitude is now while celebrating the holiday that made it... What's it's like to be so close to perfection and not have it... Being alone when you should be celebrating togetherness...  there's that and so much more in there" And the rain has multi meanings. It wasn't only something I experienced It was something that hit me on so many levels I had to write about it and try and pour them out before they over took me.

Perspectives in Place

This Fourth of July came with a day of showers

Clouds casted across the sky.

People complained and thought it a waste

Yet I feel it most justified.


Everything that captivates and awes me

Everything that inspires and energizes.

Thunderous roars, Bright wondrous lights

Rain showers and explosions.


A most amazing night, everything was right

I found only one thing out of place

Only one thing made it a waste

I only want to dance, I only want a kiss


Twirling to the rhythm, shaking to the beat

Laughing as we soak our feet

Under this amazing light show without a care

But then I look and your not there


No drowning as we kiss forgetting to breath

No running like children through the streets

It could be the most amazing memory

But it’s a waste. No tasting rain upon your face.


It’s almost a perfect moment, but your not here.

I search the area, finding you no where.

My heart skips and flutters.

My mind searches and wonders.


I look up feeling the rain dive into my skin

My lips spread and widen into a grin

But tears hide amongst the rain

Without you here it’s just not the same


Slowly I twirl pondering and wondering

Wishing and wanting, what this night could be

Knowing nothing of the innocence I never obtained

As I see other clutching hands in the rain.


Hungering to know what that must be like

Wondering what I’m missing out on during this night

Could it be that I just don't see

The picture though I stare at it constantly


Longing only to see your face

Wishing this night wasn’t a waste

Needing your lips to be in their place

Knowing I’ll never know this taste


The colors still rain through the air

But I walk home while I don’t care

This night was amazing but it’s a ruin

It means nothing without our union.

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Chaos128 commented on Perspectives in Place


It's not the flashiness of the wrapping that counts but the (true) value of gift inside. You've crafted a compelling parable.

eileenj341975 commented on Perspectives in Place


Joel that was beautiful! I love the wording of this poem. It takes my breath away. Keep up the great work. Eileen

latinangel commented on Perspectives in Place


This is absolutely beautiful. There is so much more than rain and a ruined fourth of July. I like your style, the imagery was very touching and it touched my heart. Great work. I absolutely give it a 10. Latin Angel

FUBAR93 commented on Perspectives in Place


This's so amazing. It is definitely a teaser, because at first you describe how wonderful things are, just the two of you dancing in the rain, and then you slowly work into it being a figment of imagination. Sad, but a beautiful piece of work. Love and Peace-FUBAR93

sammia commented on Perspectives in Place


This is beautifully written I feel the emotions coming through every line of this poem. Wonderful job

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

RagusChaos’s Poems (14)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Ballad of Shadow World 0
Perspectives in Place 7
Is It Time? 3
Cuz it Never Ends 0
The Visions 2
The Meaning Of Torn 1
Lost Words, Empty Mouth, Closed Ears 1
A Piece Of Everything 0
Remembrance 0
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Master's Call 0
The Feild 1
The Loss 1
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