Is It Time?


  • Questions

    Is It Time?

    Alone the days flow swiftly

    My body sore and weary

    I gather what I may take with me

    Looking at the mark made I wonder


    I have a long day ahead of me

    Sleep is in my eyes

    Yet it won’t pay any visit

    I ponder the choices I’ve made


    Broken I’ve pressed to hard

    Knowing I’m not yet ready

    Form and physic are not at peak

    To many years to much wear


    Looking over all I leave behind

    Thinking of those stay and wait

    Wondering will I return

    Trying to be prepared

    I sit alone wondering is it time?

    Poem Comments


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    Chaos128 commented on Is It Time?


    Doubt assails us all. One can always find a reason why now is not the time to take the big step. But if you take too long you'll find one day that place you struggled with stepping to is no longer there. Great work!

    latinangel commented on Is It Time?


    This is very well put together, I like your form. The only critique I have for you is in the word to, in the line Broken I've pressed to hard, the word to should be too, also in the line that says To many years to much wear, both of those should be too. Other than that I think it is a great poem. It really draws the reader in and makes you think about how much in control of our own destinies we are. Latin Angel

    demacus commented on Is It Time?


    It makes me wonder if there ever is a time for anything or is everything already to late very interesting writing nicely done

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    RagusChaos’s Poems (14)

    Title Comments
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    Ballad of Shadow World 0
    Perspectives in Place 7
    Is It Time? 3
    Cuz it Never Ends 0
    The Visions 2
    The Meaning Of Torn 1
    Lost Words, Empty Mouth, Closed Ears 1
    A Piece Of Everything 0
    Remembrance 0
    Garden Of Savages 2
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    The Reach 3