The Exchange


  • Love

    The Exchange

    Deep blue oceans of words never spoken
    Peaking fears mountains
    Thoughts pouring like fountains
    In the midst I find deep brown emotion
    Taming my hearts standard
    A glance into a moment
    Silent in time Immersed in enchantment
    Knowing more
    than could ever be conversed
    Looking just to behold
    a glimmer of hope
    The exchange of two souls
    Knowing there is a deference
    A reason for existence
    No explanation
    Without complication
    Our eyes connected

    Poem Comments


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    wheelsal commented on The Exchange


    So much unsaid, so any things left to say. This intrigues me. Nice write. A new friend, Sally

    HarverTomsson commented on The Exchange


    If only I knew what deep brown meant to you! Such subtle nuances...Good stuff from start to finish.

    subtleNuance commented on The Exchange


    GREAT poem, begging for part two (maybe "the day before" the wedding, "a day frosted by white" wedding day, "saturday" near the end, and finally "sunday", the day the sun didn't shine)

    origionalmerlin commented on The Exchange


    still worth more than !0.

    origionalmerlin commented on The Exchange



    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    Tray4’s Poems (45)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Recovery 0
    2021 1
    Invisible Enemy 1
    Beyond 0
    Weight 3
    Sibling Rivalry 1
    The Kindly Gardeners 2
    Invisible Prison 4
    A Summer's Day! 3
    Deceived 4
    Pulse 2
    Stallion 2
    "The Wind In My Soul" 10
    Eternity 3
    Candle Sticks 4
    Natural Beauty 4
    Pigment 1
    Precious Moment 1
    Ready 1
    Temporary Destractions 2
    The Exchange 5
    The missing feathers 2
    True Expression 4
    Unstable 1
    A Reminder 2
    "Soul mates" 4
    A good winter's week end 1
    Only for so long 2
    "Best Friend's" 2
    "Whole" 1
    Release 3
    Little lights scatter the darkness 2
    " ! A New Year ! " 2
    Unbosom (a poem I had on 2
    Alluring Decor 1
    Corruption Unveiled 3
    Wait don't flip ya lid get ur hair did 3
    I think I need the question 4
    I Can`t Explain 2
    "You and I" 7
    Find freedom -10
    The Man She could not leave behind,an Intro 3
    untitled 2
    Genuine Exhibitions 10
    Dusk Arriving 9