Temporary Destractions


  • Emotional

    Temporary Destractions

    Purely Repetitious
    My mind wanders
    through the spaces in time
    Recklessly winding
    to spiral out of control
    Blowing through the curves
    Spurs of hope
    to mend the frazzled seems
    beams of pretending to relate
    to the conditions set before me
    Trying to focus
    but the stings are binding those
    tired weary attempts
    Fear biers no retreat
    only constant repeats into thee unknown
    Spiritually descending
    Not comprehending the truth
    is a lose all of it's own
    A book mark to seal the real deal
    A future torn from this existence
    Pierced for my Transgressions
    His blessings beyond what I dare to compare

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    subtleNuance commented on Temporary Destractions


    work a bit on the spelling, eye think the reader my tumble over unsuspected werds that may knot bee the once ewe intended. be ee cummings if you want and skip the capitalization (if you want). the content is powerful



    I find your comment funny ,when obviously your spelling is way off.(lol)There is more than one meaning for alot of words and it is what is. Thanks for the comment.



    Fyi the spelling is all correct. Is this a joke of some sort?

    origionalmerlin commented on Temporary Destractions


    one victory was all that was ever needed.

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    Tray4’s Poems (45)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Recovery 0
    2021 1
    Invisible Enemy 1
    Beyond 0
    Weight 3
    Sibling Rivalry 1
    The Kindly Gardeners 2
    Invisible Prison 4
    A Summer's Day! 3
    Deceived 4
    Pulse 2
    Stallion 2
    "The Wind In My Soul" 10
    Eternity 3
    Candle Sticks 4
    Natural Beauty 4
    Pigment 1
    Precious Moment 1
    Ready 1
    Temporary Destractions 2
    The Exchange 5
    The missing feathers 2
    True Expression 4
    Unstable 1
    A Reminder 2
    "Soul mates" 4
    A good winter's week end 1
    Only for so long 2
    "Best Friend's" 2
    "Whole" 1
    Release 3
    Little lights scatter the darkness 2
    " ! A New Year ! " 2
    Unbosom (a poem I had on poetry.com) 2
    Alluring Decor 1
    Corruption Unveiled 3
    Wait don't flip ya lid get ur hair did 3
    I think I need the question 4
    I Can`t Explain 2
    "You and I" 7
    Find freedom -10
    The Man She could not leave behind,an Intro 3
    untitled 2
    Genuine Exhibitions 10
    Dusk Arriving 9