The Artist Dream


  • Art
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  • Uplifting

    The Artist Dream

    A dreamer,

    Painting a picture without canvas.

    Using colors without a brush.

    An endless dream of one's desire of beauty.

    Awakening to find the picture never done.

    Poem Comments


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    kdarcy commented on The Artist Dream


    Most is forgotten, never hits the paper or canvas, but what does brings beauty to the artist and reader or observer. Artists always have something to work with or from, retaining that little piece that didn't make it. Nice short piece, thanks



    ty so much. I have so much to work with and so little time sometimes. We as artist have so much to say or show the world and yet we sometimes forget the passions that lay within that keeps us going.



    Passion is what keeps us going, the willingness to share whatever comes out is driven by a desire that others can be helped, encouraged or merely warned of impending dangers of the heart sometimes, but Artists already know this, don't they? lol



    As a photographer I totally agree. Although I write, and do art, my photo's show the world what I want to share as my words show the pain and happiness. what could be more rewarding than that?



    You go girl, lol



    lol I intend to never stop showing and telling in my writings and photo's and art. There is so much that we all need to share in one way or another as to I hope help another with simular problems.

    StandingBear commented on The Artist Dream


    Infinite artist dreamer, after reading i close my eyes. I see this desired beauty you speak of though my eyes are still closed.



    beauty is in the mind first. reflecting outwardly. Paint you picture and see what it becomes. ty you so much

    GentleT commented on The Artist Dream


    It is good to have dreamers for the advancement of society. No brush is needed to stir the mind. For a dreamer the mind never stops dreaming.



    So very true so very true .. Love the way you think and look at work...

    BDIsernhagen commented on The Artist Dream


    the picture is never done, is it? I relate completely, and I would like to relate my appriciation to you for posting this one, it is especialy beautiful.



    Ty for your comment.. I thought I responded before but it's not posting them all the time.. Shadow

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    Shadowwalker’s Poems (35)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Giving 2
    In her Eyes 4
    Keep Dreaming 1
    Until 2
    Are You Willing 1
    Us 1
    Never Ending 1
    My Dreams 2
    An Endless Vision 1
    The Artist Dream 6
    One Came Home 6
    My Best Friend 2
    Maiden 6
    Loves Steps 4
    Love 1
    Lost 1
    Longing 2
    I Know 4
    Grandma's Words 1
    Freedom 1
    Dare to Dream 2
    Could Be Me 4
    Candy Kisses 3
    Can You #1 3
    Bobbie 1
    Betrayal 2
    Alone 2
    Wasted Words 1
    A Time to heal 1
    A single Rose 4
    A Dream 2
    ButterFly Kisses 5
    The Rose 2
    The Raven 6
    Secret Lover 8