Dare to Dream


Dare to Dream

Hopes, dreams, desires

Is all that I have now,

And if I could, I know I would

For fill them all somehow.

I have the hope of happiness

Of someone who will care,

Of someone who will love me

And know that I'll be there.

I have so many dreams

I'm unable to for fill,

I somehow quit on dreaming

I somehow lost my will.

I sometimes have desires

A longing to be free,

No one knows the tears I shed

No body knows but me.

My hopes, my dreams, desires

Will always be my own,

I'll hold them till the day I die

Or when I'm all alone.

When again I dare to dream.

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thejazzpoet commented on Dare to Dream


Shadowwalker... an excellent poem, I actually thought for a moment that this was my life you were speaking of. I felt as though I was reliving, remembering and writing the words. Believe me, I've been there; I'm there now. You have the ability to begin and end a composition without losing your focus and objective. Your poem left me with so much to contemplate over. thank you for sharing. thejazzpoet



TY it was my pleasure to share this with others. Shadow

jademelissa74 commented on Dare to Dream


I like the journey of this poem, it is clear, yet deep. Hope is an evidence that there is a God in Heaven, when you least expect it that "Someone" will arrive. It always work out that way :) Great job!



Ty hon for the comment.

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

Shadowwalker’s Poems (35)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Giving 2
In her Eyes 4
Keep Dreaming 1
Until 2
Are You Willing 1
Us 1
Never Ending 1
My Dreams 2
An Endless Vision 1
The Artist Dream 6
One Came Home 6
My Best Friend 2
Maiden 6
Loves Steps 4
Love 1
Lost 1
Longing 2
I Know 4
Grandma's Words 1
Freedom 1
Dare to Dream 2
Could Be Me 4
Candy Kisses 3
Can You #1 3
Bobbie 1
Betrayal 2
Alone 2
Wasted Words 1
A Time to heal 1
A single Rose 4
A Dream 2
ButterFly Kisses 5
The Rose 2
The Raven 6
Secret Lover 8