One Came Home


One Came Home

A fluffy cloud

Where angels sing,

From up above

The love he'll bring.

A prayer was asked

The message sent,

From angels to God

The message went.

Days went by

And then the years,

Her heart would break

And then more tears.

Eight years would pass

She felt alone,

Little'd she know

One would come home.

Her heart was beating

Her cry's were heard,

She hung onto

Their ever word

She never let love go.

One Came Home

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StandingBear commented on One Came Home


A well written, beautifully sad work relating the great inner spiritual strength in faith, *One Came Home* .. *From angels to God...the message went*... Great lines, great verse, great poem!

kdarcy commented on One Came Home


Great little write, does make one wonder sometimes where the words go, are they even heard and can or will accept the answer given. We are likely where we are supposed to be, we may just always realize it. The answer we hope for is always a plus. Check out my write " Where Are You ". be well



the answer came years later my friend but it still came and wow what a shock.

Mareann commented on One Came Home


Very lovely and heartfelt poem, i enjoyed this very much, thanks for sharing! Mary



YVW enjoy sharing my work

Rendida commented on One Came Home


I feel God always answers my prayers but I never thought of writing about it... you did a beautiful job..



I try to write most things down as it happens even if it is ten years later

GentleT commented on One Came Home


After a long wait for an answer to a prayer it is joy to receive an answer. If I understand he sent a spouse to travel life's road with that appreciates you. That would make the wait worth-wild.



If only that were true.. It is of my oldest daughter who came home...... I waited so long and my prayers were finally answered

Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

Shadowwalker’s Poems (35)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Giving 2
In her Eyes 4
Keep Dreaming 1
Until 2
Are You Willing 1
Us 1
Never Ending 1
My Dreams 2
An Endless Vision 1
The Artist Dream 6
One Came Home 6
My Best Friend 2
Maiden 6
Loves Steps 4
Love 1
Lost 1
Longing 2
I Know 4
Grandma's Words 1
Freedom 1
Dare to Dream 2
Could Be Me 4
Candy Kisses 3
Can You #1 3
Bobbie 1
Betrayal 2
Alone 2
Wasted Words 1
A Time to heal 1
A single Rose 4
A Dream 2
ButterFly Kisses 5
The Rose 2
The Raven 6
Secret Lover 8