My Best Friend


My Best Friend

My best friend

You are indeed,

Your always there

In my time of need.

You found you're way

Straight into my heart,

And through your love

I found a new start.

When I'd wake up

You'd be at my side,

So eager to please

Just bursting with pride.

You walked at my side

Obeyed my commands,

And when I felt threatened

At my side you would stand.

Best friends we will be

Right straight to the end

It's so good just knowing

That your my best friend.


This is dedicated to my beloved dog Zena

For being my Side Kick and my Best Friend

June 1994 - Oct 2008

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gogant commented on My Best Friend


You tell a tale of a strong bond.......My good ol' dog, Jessi, is a great friend.......she doesn't listen too well to my commands, though......I think she gets a kick out of barking at me in response.......I hate to think of the day she passes...It'll be a sad day, I'm sure.............A great piece by you....................g



I have found that our beloved animals listen better than most humams lol... And they say dogs don't talk back yea right. Zena was sassy but so trust worthy.. She was the one thing in life that was dependable...I am still lost without her... when she passed away in my arms a part of my heart was also lost...... and thank you I have just started writing again... wish me luck and ty once again.... if you find more typo's please let me know. Shadow

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Shadowwalker’s Poems (35)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Giving 2
In her Eyes 4
Keep Dreaming 1
Until 2
Are You Willing 1
Us 1
Never Ending 1
My Dreams 2
An Endless Vision 1
The Artist Dream 6
One Came Home 6
My Best Friend 2
Maiden 6
Loves Steps 4
Love 1
Lost 1
Longing 2
I Know 4
Grandma's Words 1
Freedom 1
Dare to Dream 2
Could Be Me 4
Candy Kisses 3
Can You #1 3
Bobbie 1
Betrayal 2
Alone 2
Wasted Words 1
A Time to heal 1
A single Rose 4
A Dream 2
ButterFly Kisses 5
The Rose 2
The Raven 6
Secret Lover 8