


An elegant maiden

A savage man,

Side by side

Is where we'd stand.

The rage took over

And he grew mad,

And through his anger

She grew sad.

She tucked herself

Into a shell,

With very few ever

Would she tell.

No matter what move

The maiden would make,

He'd scream and he'd yell

For his ego's sake.

She made a pack

to herself alone,

Never again to be trapped

But be free to roam.


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freemansvoice commented on Maiden


can't please them all, how easy it is to kill love. some times you follow the same path. Careful where you step on the new journey.



To kill love is only as easy as one wishes it to be. And would also depend on the one doing the killing rather than the one holding on don't you think.

BDIsernhagen commented on Maiden


gentlemen may be a threatned species, but we're not extinct... ;) I usually prefer a more complex style, so I originally read over this fast, maybe to fast. however, someting made me go back and read it again, and I may just be back again. And I'm not sure if you meant it, but the shape of the text, remotley resembling a fair maiden's curves, was very intresting. thanks for posting!



I am glad you enjoyed. You are the first one to pic up on the maidens curves. Great eye. ;)

GentleT commented on Maiden


Some guys build their ego by hurting and dominating others. Just bullies trying to hide their fear of how inadequate they are.



That is so very true.

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Shadowwalker’s Poems (35)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Giving 2
In her Eyes 4
Keep Dreaming 1
Until 2
Are You Willing 1
Us 1
Never Ending 1
My Dreams 2
An Endless Vision 1
The Artist Dream 6
One Came Home 6
My Best Friend 2
Maiden 6
Loves Steps 4
Love 1
Lost 1
Longing 2
I Know 4
Grandma's Words 1
Freedom 1
Dare to Dream 2
Could Be Me 4
Candy Kisses 3
Can You #1 3
Bobbie 1
Betrayal 2
Alone 2
Wasted Words 1
A Time to heal 1
A single Rose 4
A Dream 2
ButterFly Kisses 5
The Rose 2
The Raven 6
Secret Lover 8