So Much To Learn-So Little Time


  • Confusion

    So Much To Learn-So Little Time

    I must find out just who I am
    And I must learn to live again.
    Live your own life, how simple it sounds.
    Whose life am I living? Whose setting the bounds?

    They say, live in the moment, live in the now.
    That sounds very good, but I've got to learn how.
    How do I shut off this chattering mind?
    How do I leave all my problems behind?

    I have to recover the sweet gift of wonder.
    To marvel at everyday things such as thunder.
    And beautiful skies, even dirt and green grass
    And all the marvelous things that I pass.

    I need to see things through a child's eyes
    Recapture the wonderful joy of surprise.
    I need to trust God and his wondrous ways.
    Be grateful and thankful for life and these days.

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    kdarcy commented on So Much To Learn-So Little Time


    The concept comes through very well, thoughts as a child will never hurt us ... only give us a little bruise once in a while. Be well, k

    Stryx commented on So Much To Learn-So Little Time


    Ah, yes to be a child again, with wonder and surprise. You know your goal. Nice work.

    extrarib commented on So Much To Learn-So Little Time


    Very wonderful. It flows wonderfully and is easy to feel each moment you cherrish as you go through your exploration of self and discovery. Your growing up! not old! lol Enjoyed it eminencely. Thank you for sharing.

    Nikkislove commented on So Much To Learn-So Little Time


    Great writing! It's funny that no matter how many years pass, we still feel that we have so much more to learn.

    Sopradiction commented on So Much To Learn-So Little Time


    I like your simplicity- very enjoyable

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    aggieprof’s Poems (16)

    Title Comments
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    Nature of Things 6
    Mockingbird 9
    LIstening 11
    My Goals 9
    Haiku Poems 15
    Three Sisters 23
    Why Me? 23
    Barking, Barking, Barking 21
    Progress Report 21
    So Much To Learn-So Little Time 16
    Two Years 11
    Life is Good - Come Celebrate 14
    A Promise Kept 11
    God and Me 15
    The Promise 12
    AJ and Levi 11