Nikkislove’s Profile

is Happy!!!

  • Age: 47
  • Location: Medina, OH
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


My name is Nikki, I am a mother of four, and an English major at a University in Ohio. I am a happy go lucky type for the most part...a constant smiler, and goof. However, as with everyone I have those days that aren't as great as they could or should be which is why I love to write. I have found that writing gives me the greatest opportunity to clear my head without judgment, and search the deepest part of myself to find answers, solutions, or clarity. I also love to read the writings others for inspiration, motivation, and sometimes simply for the pleasure of feeling a connection with what the writer was feeling at the moment of writing.
Lastly, I am an avid reader and enjoy the writings of Osho, Jane Austen, and The Dalai Lama, to name a few. Anything that can empower, enlighten, and teach me to be better than I am while holding on to what makes me an individual, yet a part of the whole at the same time.
I am delighted to have found this sight, and wish everyone on it all the best!


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Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Nikkislove’s Poems (12)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Hate to love you... 0
Just Dreaming... 1
Thinking back on Good times with my brother... 1
Songs to make love to... 1
Amore' 1
Euphoria... 0
My Sky... 2
That Fire... 2
Smile... 2
Webs... 1
My Everyday Bliss... 1
Closed Eyes... 1