

  • Love



    My heart aches over the pleasures that it has never known. The euphoric feeling of love to share and complete my soul. I smile and laugh to hide the ache of the sadness my heart bears. I see in my mind the beauty of love that I have yet to share. I know what love is- I've just never shared it, some have given their love and I did not accept it. When there was one I wished to give my heart to- it was never returned, nor wanted, nor true.

    I wonder if it is meant to be- that love is not in love with me. From day to day it gets harder to stand- maybe love was not part of my plan. The years are going by and I have yet to grasp, the feeling of a love that is destined to last.

    The love that I see on romantic movies…

    The love that has chosen…

    To turn its back to me.

    Maybe, it's just my childish dream to have a love that inspires me to be, more than I am, more than I have been, a love- not for a moment, but love everlasting. A man who knows and loves me for me, and shares my feelings of how love should be, who loves when I'm happy, and lifts me higher, whose love makes me feel a strong desire, to let go and give the best of me, someone who lives, loves, and laughs with me. Someone, whose sight alone brings me pleasure.

    Perfect for me…

    My kiss from heaven.

    Whose touch can give a butterfly effect, whose love is for me, and no one else.

    As childish as it may be- I dare to dream, of this prince who will bring euphoria to me. He will love me endlessly and claim the key that has been hidden, to my thoughts, to my soul, to my passion never given.

    If it is true that love brings out your best, then my best has been something no one has seen as yet. But the years are continuously on the roll, and I have remained a loveless soul. Have I missed my chance, is it too late, will I die not knowing the euphoria love is said to create?

    I dare to see a lonely heart, with beauty lost to the years; that has never experienced love and is drowning in her hearts tears. All the time she wondered, searched and never got to feel, the euphoric love that is said to be felt- by many a lover, yet not by herself. I see a future dark and unappealing, an unhappy heart diminished of feeling. Not for her family but for the hope, of the euphoric love she's longed for the most.

    I will continue to live, love, laugh and dream of euphoria until my last- breath has been taken, and the beat of my heart has been stilled by the hope that was somewhere lost. A prayer and a dream is all I have, and I'll hold on tight til' possibly at last, love finds its way to my heart- a childish wish, but one that I want.


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    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    Nikkislove’s Poems (12)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
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    Just Dreaming... 1
    Thinking back on Good times with my brother... 1
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    Amore' 1
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