My Everyday Bliss...


  • Happiness

    My Everyday Bliss...

    Nothing is perfect…but I pretend it is. Physically I’m here… mentally I’m gone…my own world is better than the one that you’re on. I hear you speaking, yet cannot respond. I’m looking but not seeing, I’m in my own zone. Negativity…Blocked…It’s all roses here…in my own world…free from burdens and fear. Wish everyone could experience my bliss. I cannot explain it…but compare it to this…
    A surprise birthday party, just when you thought they would forget.
    Blowing out the candles and hoping to get your wish.
    The beauty of the night’s sky, when it appears so close you could touch.
    A compliment given with such sincerity, it makes the receiver blush.
    Falling in love for the very first time, how the sight of your lover caused butterflies inside.
    Every little moment that ever made me smile.
    Viewing the world; through the eyes of a child.
    A perfect day, with no worries… Nikki’s world is truly lovely! Every moment I take a trip, with no other thoughts than ones of bliss. In my own world I cannot see, the constant complaints of everybody. While you are fighting, I’m dreaming my dreams, my eyes are looking, but they only see… visions so vivid I’m starting to smile…you should borrow my shoes and walk a mile. Then you could see how you waste time…letting worries and troubles fill your mind. Have you solved anything by being angry? Are your problems real or self created?
    You become a drone in front of the television, making your dreams someone else’s vision. I prefer to use my own mind, create my own world, and get lost in time. With my own thoughts leading the way…Every moment in Nikki’s world is a beautiful day.

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    jannifer commented on My Everyday Bliss...


    im always in my own liltter world..........u did a great job i loved it ............................

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    Nikkislove’s Poems (12)

    Title Comments
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