aggieprof’s Profile

  • Age: private
  • Location: College Station, TX
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


I'm a retired University Professor who lost my beloved wife of 52 years after a bad 5 year battle with ovarian cancer. I have been on a very intense spiritual journey ever since. I was saved from horrible depression by 2 German Shepherd pups, AJ and Levi. I've published 5 technical text books and some 45 technical papers in journals. I do not consider what I write here to be poetry. Rather, I say I sometimes write in rhyme. Several people have asked me why I use the name Spirit instead of God in my works. I don't know if my higher power is male, female or it. This way I don't have to worry about it. I am a Catholic and my relationship is important and I don't want the name to get in the way.


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spbsdude profile comment


I mourn the loss of your wife. I also like your use of spirit, quite often I merely call it the universe, but that is the scientist in me talking. I have another part that talks to the powers that be often, call it the universe, call it Spirit, call it God, it is all one and the same regardless of gender or lack thereof.

UnworthyFather profile comment


Dear AggieProf, I am deeply sorry for your loss. May God (Spirit) grant you peace. I, too, love German Shepherds. I have a female with her papers in German. She is my best friend. Your Shepherds are beautiful.

lizziemarch profile comment


aggie, your wife was lovely. I'm sure you miss her greatly. What a blessing that you were able to find your two angels in fur coats to help you through this difficult time.

LenaMP profile comment


You dogs are beautiful and very therapeutic. Very sorry for you loss of your soul mate. Congratulations on the publications.

sk profile comment


Thank you for reading my poems and giving me your honest response; I really appreciate it! And I agree with you on the 1979 write! I was trying to cover my rear end because I didn't get my Dad a present!!! But I do respect your opinion and your feedback, and enjoy reading your writings as well. Thanks again.

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

aggieprof’s Poems (16)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Nature of Things 6
Mockingbird 9
LIstening 11
My Goals 9
Haiku Poems 15
Three Sisters 23
Why Me? 23
Barking, Barking, Barking 21
Progress Report 21
So Much To Learn-So Little Time 16
Two Years 11
Life is Good - Come Celebrate 14
A Promise Kept 11
God and Me 15
The Promise 12
AJ and Levi 11