Three Sisters


  • Nature

    Three Sisters

    Three beautiful ladies standing so tall.
    Dressed in such finery fit for a ball.
    Waving and greeting the world one and all.

    They stand there together with arms all entwined,
    and sometimes they sing with a sound so sublime,
    that beautiful music has been redefined.

    They never change, fall, winter or summers.
    They welcome the golfers, workers and runners
    as well as squirrels, birds and all comers.

    They watch o're the dogs and children at play.
    Majestically waving , they just seem to say,
    Be happy contented and what a great day.

    Poem Comments


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    Mandi commented on Three Sisters


    This reminds me of a poem about naure that i taught my classes every year because it fit so well into so many genres. I am pleased to read your work.

    bklynrizz commented on Three Sisters


    When I first started reading it I sensed they were trees. Great write.

    coacher commented on Three Sisters


    Nice write. You put me under some trees with lots of fresh air. Very descriptive poem.

    SavVySam commented on Three Sisters


    What a pleasant piece, flowing with great ease. The words settling gently like the wind among the leaves. Nice work!

    jademelissa74 commented on Three Sisters


    This is simply beautiful. The imagery is vivid and the warmth that this poem offers is simply awesome. Your work is inspiring.... Great job!

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    aggieprof’s Poems (16)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Nature of Things 6
    Mockingbird 9
    LIstening 11
    My Goals 9
    Haiku Poems 15
    Three Sisters 23
    Why Me? 23
    Barking, Barking, Barking 21
    Progress Report 21
    So Much To Learn-So Little Time 16
    Two Years 11
    Life is Good - Come Celebrate 14
    A Promise Kept 11
    God and Me 15
    The Promise 12
    AJ and Levi 11