Closed Eyes...


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    Closed Eyes...

    He sees no more than
    he wishes to see…
    If there is a problem
    it will inevitably…
    Be one that has been
    some how caused by the bringer of light to closed eyed flaws.
    He sees no needs
    besides his own, his eyes are shut to other’s concerns.
    It is discovered in him
    no effort to try, for one cannot see another’s view through closed eyes.
    All that he may hope
    to see is how he views the world to be.
    With eyes closed to
    everything else, he has ample time to focus on himself.
    Should one be tolerant
    of an ignorant heart that has no intentions of growing smart?
    Should one hold on and
    continue to try with no effort visible from the other side?
    Closed eyes cannot see
    past their own perspective, they neglect all others, and for themselves have
    taken, everything they are given as what they deserved, instead of something
    that needed to be earned.
    Because of this they
    cannot comprehend, why no one else can understand that they are simply doing
    what is most pleasing…
    With eyes closed tight to sensible reasoning.
    I dare to say he is
    stuck in a dream...
    Where he is the ruler of
    The people who are idly
    in his life…
    Are to amuse and bring
    him delight.
    He is the King and we
    the poor jesters.
    Here to amuse and bring
    him pleasure.
    No return…
    A King hasn’t any desire, to amuse others for
    he is sire.
    All should simply be contented by his presence…
    He is grace, he is lord, and he is royal elegance.
    With his eyes closed he
    dares to dream and sees his world as this wonderful thing.
    Though he has touched
    no one, nor made any positive change, happily all beneath him will remain.
    Eyes closed daring to
    dream, that to have it all, he need not do a thing.
    Unfortunately, in this
    way it will happen, he will awake, and find there has been…
    A rise of the people
    who wish to escape…
    The King who has been
    labeled as a fake.....
    For he promised the
    world, but never opened his eyes to see…
    Exactly what was needed
    by me...
    His Queen!

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    jannifer commented on Closed Eyes...


    this was very wroth me reading i love it u did that i love how u ended it also but mostly the 1st part nice...............

    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

    Nikkislove’s Poems (12)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
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    Thinking back on Good times with my brother... 1
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    Closed Eyes... 1