Past Set At My Feet


  • Emotional

    Past Set At My Feet

    times have ripped us apart,drowned me to the ground,brought down without a sound.our past put together at the hands of fait..loosing everything and started from a clean slate.your without me in your heart.replaced by people i could yet to compare..lost in a world of nothing but you,cant control myself with the thought of you.broken and shattered, you left me to die.broken my heart and pushed me aside.ignored and forgotten, our dreams spread apart,my love for you has yet to change when all you think about is something slutty and lame.wish i could do enough for you,but have nothing left to blame..all but myself..and left with totall shame.i will tell you i love you one last time, but please dont say it back,because all that it is, is alittle lie, that broke me down and made me cry.

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    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

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    My Bleak Heart 0
    Past Set At My Feet 0
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