Only a dream


  • Love
    • kitten732
    • check out my other account kitten321, I accidently made it because I forgot about this one!

    Only a dream

    Heartbeat racing,
    hair wipping in the wind,
    face full of horror,
    all I could think,
    I'm running away,
    I'm coming to find you,
    we'll run together,
    when I found you,
    I grab your hand,
    I pull,
    you follow,
    when we are hidden,
    where no one could find us,
    I cry,
    I asked you what we should do,
    you say to go home,
    you will be back before I know it,
    Florida isn't far away,
    I disagreed,
    you say you don't want to go,
    but you must,
    so we walk back home,
    our parents are mad,
    you could tell by their faces,
    but when they see us,
    their faces turn to a ponder,
    I look at you,
    we both wonder,
    until they say a word,
    we were clueless,
    they say if we really,
    want to be together,
    we reply with a yes,
    then they say you may stay,
    we both stand in awe,
    for a second or more,
    then I wrap my arms around you,
    now we dont have to run,
    we can stay here together,
    but too bad...
    this is only a dream.

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    gallaxy commented on Only a dream


    what I get out of this poem is that in reality,this couple cant get realisticly together for what unknown reason. But it is only in a dream that makes all things possible. Sadly to say that majority do live in a fantasy world & not in reality

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    kitten732’s Poems (13)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    "Foolish mortal" 1
    Untitled 0
    Coner 1
    Werewolf 0
    Vampire 0
    A drowned maiden's hair 0
    I don't understand 0
    Despair 1
    A cold hearted, non-emotional person 3
    Only a dream 1
    I don't believe it 1
    Soulless 1
    Fearful Tears 0