

  • Sadness
    • kitten732
    • check out my other account kitten321, I accidently made it because I forgot about this one!


    I'm sitting in the corner,
    blood gushing from my arms,
    am I going crazy?
    A bloody razor lies infront of me,
    not enough pain,
    was all I thought,
    I picked up the razor and rapidly slashed my arms,
    the you come in,
    you run to me,
    you take the razor away,
    a look of horror covered your face,
    if only I realized what I've done,
    I didn't only hurt myself,
    I hurt you,
    I try to talk,
    to say I'm sorry,
    I guess you already knew,
    you held me closer,
    you didn't care,
    how your perfect white shirt,
    was now stained with blood,
    of despair.

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    Gertrude commented on Despair


    Wow! Yet again I'm amazed by the depth of your work and the depth of your understanding of what others feel.

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    kitten732’s Poems (13)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    "Foolish mortal" 1
    Untitled 0
    Coner 1
    Werewolf 0
    Vampire 0
    A drowned maiden's hair 0
    I don't understand 0
    Despair 1
    A cold hearted, non-emotional person 3
    Only a dream 1
    I don't believe it 1
    Soulless 1
    Fearful Tears 0