A cold hearted, non-emotional person


  • Love
    • kitten732
    • check out my other account kitten321, I accidently made it because I forgot about this one!

    A cold hearted, non-emotional person

    You stood on the doorstep,
    waiting for me,
    when I saw you,
    I smiled,
    for the very first time,
    I greeted you with a warm hello,
    you wrapped your arms around me,
    the warmth of your embrace,
    melted my cold emotionless heart,
    you said you missed me,
    and that you loved me,
    I say it was too long,
    and love wasn't a strong enough word,
    you smile your unforgetable smile,
    but it soon faded,
    my face was emotionless,
    no smile,
    no life in my eyes,
    it bothered you,
    I looked at the ground,
    I feel your hand under my chin,
    you lift my head up,
    and gently brush your lips on mine,
    and then,
    I smiled,
    my eyes glowed with life,
    I was a cold hearted,
    non-emotional person,
    until I met you,
    and we fell in love.

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    DESIRE2INSPIRE commented on A cold hearted, non-emotional person


    Very nice! For a 13 year old, you definitely have potential. :) DESIRE2INSPIRE

    Hampton commented on A cold hearted, non-emotional person


    Very very nice poem written with the honesty of an open heart

    Gertrude commented on A cold hearted, non-emotional person


    Wow! You're writing is beautiful! Sometimes I can't believe that you're 13 yrs old. Especially when I read your work.

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    kitten732’s Poems (13)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    "Foolish mortal" 1
    Untitled 0
    Coner 1
    Werewolf 0
    Vampire 0
    A drowned maiden's hair 0
    I don't understand 0
    Despair 1
    A cold hearted, non-emotional person 3
    Only a dream 1
    I don't believe it 1
    Soulless 1
    Fearful Tears 0