Merry Christmas To All Of You From Ooopsney And River Dove


Merry Christmas To All Of You From Ooopsney And River Dove

Merry Christmas To All Of You
From Ooopsney and River Dove

Ooopsney…say me?
Yes River Dove…say you
What do you want for Christmas…
Well…River Dove…baby I have this new
Cell phone here and I would like to have a
Blue tooth…say you
Ohh…ok…say me…hmmm, I’ll get you
One of those Ooopsney…
River Dove…baby…what are you doin
I’m lookin in the phone book…say me
What are you lookin for baby…say you
I’m lookin up dental offices…say me
Is there somethin wrong River Dove…say you?
No Ooopsney there is nothing wrong…say me
Then why are you looking up dental offices…
Well…say me…I need to see them…
I thought you said there was nothing wrong
So why do you need to see a dentist…say you
Well Ooopsney…say me…I probably need to see more
Than one…
River Dove…you’re startin to scare me baby
Ohh it’s alright Ooopsney…hmmm…
I wonder how much it will be…say me
River Dove…what are you doin now…say you
Shhh…I’m on the phone…say me
Hello…hi… this is River Dove Clovis
Yes I am fine…I’m calling for Ooopsney
Well…see… I asked Ooopsney what he wanted for
Christmas and he said he wanted a blue tooth
So I knew I had to call you and well… what better
Place to buy a blue tooth than from a dentist’s office
And so I need to know how much a blue tooth
Is going to cost and well I have heard of gold and
Silver teeth but this blue one he wants is new
To me and well…
Uh River Dove…baby…say you
Shhh Ooopsney I’m on the phone
With the dentist helper and she must have
Heard a funny joke cause she sure is
Gigglin and carryin on and I believe Ooopsney
That I’m gonna have to repeat to her why I’m
Callin and well she just won’t stop giggling and…
River Dove…baby…I don’t want
A blue tooth for my mouth… I
Need it for my ear…and…
Wha…say me… A TOOTH IN YOUR EAR…
OOOPSNEY…Did you hear that Sally…say me?
He wants this blue tooth for his ear…I think he
Needs to see our family doctor…and I’m
Gonna call first thing in the morning and…
River Dove…listen to me baby…
Yes Ooopsney I’m listening Sweetie…Do
You have a fever…let me feel your head
River Dove…hang up the phone…and no…
I don’t have a fever…Baby forget the blue tooth
And just get me a pair of socks or a hippie hat
Or some thing like that…ok?
Hmmm…well ok Ooopsney if you say so…say me
Yes baby I say so …say you…
I love you River Dove…now come mere baby
Ooo lala Ooopsney…oooo Oooopsney that tickles
U..H….Hummmm…Mrs Clovis….this is Sally
Mrs. Clovis….You forgot to hang up…
Did you hear something Ooopsney…say me
No baby I didn’t…cept for those cute little
Noises you make when I uhh you know…
Yes I do know Ooopsney…say me
Ummm… I love you Ooopsney
I Love you too River Dove

By Rita Kay Webb

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HarverTomsson commented on Merry Christmas To All Of You From Ooopsney And River Dove


I'm getting the hang of this dialogue. Heh, heh, heh Harv

abuelita1 commented on Merry Christmas To All Of You From Ooopsney And River Dove


Rita, Another great write, just in time for Christmas!! lol As usual, a brilliant, funny and so charming of a write. It had me giggling! lol Have a blessed Christmas, dear Rita!!

Olan01 commented on Merry Christmas To All Of You From Ooopsney And River Dove


Rita, this is a very fun poem; and now they have used a tooth to restore the sight of a blind person, smile; not sure if it was blue or not. lol. Love, peace and freedom, Olan.

Teardrops commented on Merry Christmas To All Of You From Ooopsney And River Dove


Rita i do believe you have stumbled on a gold mine with your new form it refreshing and funny and plain loveable . Thank you for letting me read your wonderful ,creative work Marie



Thank you for reading for me Marie. I love my lil characters, you never know what poor lil River Dove is going to do next lol.

StandingBear commented on Merry Christmas To All Of You From Ooopsney And River Dove


Rita, this rare combination of your great writing and unique sense of humor surrounding these wonderful characters you've created is awesome to say the least! I love this astounding series! Bear

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

koolmom0’s Poems (67)

Title Comments
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Invisible 1
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Tail Lights Reflecting In My Eyes 1
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Enchanted Evening 3
Nook N Cranny 12
Nakota's Poem 10
Merry Christmas To All Of You From Ooopsney And River Dove 8
A Winter Night 8
His Poem 4
Ooopsney N River Dove (How It All Began) 9
Duck? (Happy Thanksgiving from Ooopsney N River Dove) 7
Indian Polis 11
The Grabber 10
I Wonder Where You Are 12
She's My Baby 7
The Tree in The Meadow 15
May Our Love Be 2
It's A Little Bitty Thing 2
Kiss Away Your Tears 13
Closer Still 10
When We Can't Touch 21
Words of Love 12
Fire 10
Ooopsney's Key 14
Poor Henry 8
My Dog the Cat 16
Sweet Woodland Song 10
Walk Softly Love 12
Kiss Me Again Sweetheart 32
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Before The Age 13
One Night In April 28
Step By Step 14
Cross Of Feathers 6
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I Debbie 37
Take My Love with You When You Go 50
The Rain Pool 22
O To Be 10
Paint The Town 38
Come To Me 22
The Christmas Poem 40
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A Little Girl's Letter 33
Jingle The Christmas Bell 29
Like A Bee To A Flower 16
Full Circle 25
The Bunnies 24
The Rising 12
With A Broken Heart 27
Sing My Friend Sing 18
Eternal Flame 33
Little Boy 35
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The Prayer 51
Kiss 16
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Stay 10
Southern Comfort 9
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Continous 1