Nook N Cranny


Nook N Cranny

Hey River Dove...say you
Whatcha doin baby
Searchin...say me
Searchin for what ...say you
A nook n cranny...say me
Wha...River Dove what are you talkin about
Well Ooopsney...say me
I was readin this story...see
And Lula said she needed to find a nook n cranny
Wait...hold up a minute...say you
What story and who the hell is Lula
This mystery that I'm readin Ooopsney
And Lula is a character in the story.
So when I got to the nook n cranny part
Well I got lost...cause I don't know what
A nook n cranny is...and so I got the big
Red dictionary and tried to find nook n cranny
But Ooopsney it ain't in there, so I called
Miss Thelma the preacher's wife and asked her
What a nook n cranny is and she giggled
Ooopsney she laughed at me...And she
Said ohh River Dove I can't believe you don't know
And I said what is it I'm suppose to know ma'am
About nook n cranny honey...said she
So Ooopsney I asked her if it had to do
With...well you know...Sex Parts
And she laughed so hard and again said
She couldn't believe I didn't know and...
Well River Dove...say you
Yes baby it is Sex Parts and...
Baby I want to see your nook n cranny now
Well River you don't want anyone
On the bridge to hear you then stop shouting.
Baby...River Dove..My Lil Bright Star...
Everyone has a nook n cranny
NOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Say me
Yes....say you
Baby a nook n cranny is the lil hiding
Places in peoples homes, drawers, corners, etc...
But come mere River Dove...Baby
And show me your nook n cranny
Well Ooopsney....oooo lala
You have to catch me first...
Start runnin baby....say you
Hey Ooopsney no fair...say me
I didn't get a chance to run....
OOOhhhh hahaha
You found it Ooopsney....
Yes I did River Dove...
I love you baby...
I love you too Ooopsney

By Rita Kay Webb

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cajunduck commented on Nook N Cranny


If a person does not smile when reading this, then the person has no heart. I love the way you can bring humor to a world that I feel has lost it's since of humor. Please keep them coming. Thank's.

SlowPoet commented on Nook N Cranny


interesting . I enjoyed every minute of it. great concept. i can't stop going over it. perfect



lol Thank you

Teardrops commented on Nook N Cranny


Rita again i love this new and fresh way you are writing .It really amazing i loved it as always Marie

MrGee commented on Nook N Cranny


ooolala. a clever poem you have written and very funny. Of course you are an expert regarding the writing of ooopsney poems. a 10+10

winterkou commented on Nook N Cranny


creative and nice stoiry you tell here , looks like you had soem fun with thsi write

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

koolmom0’s Poems (67)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Think of Me 0
Invisible 1
Walls 0
Tail Lights Reflecting In My Eyes 1
The Streets of England 1
Enchanted Evening 3
Nook N Cranny 12
Nakota's Poem 10
Merry Christmas To All Of You From Ooopsney And River Dove 8
A Winter Night 8
His Poem 4
Ooopsney N River Dove (How It All Began) 9
Duck? (Happy Thanksgiving from Ooopsney N River Dove) 7
Indian Polis 11
The Grabber 10
I Wonder Where You Are 12
She's My Baby 7
The Tree in The Meadow 15
May Our Love Be 2
It's A Little Bitty Thing 2
Kiss Away Your Tears 13
Closer Still 10
When We Can't Touch 21
Words of Love 12
Fire 10
Ooopsney's Key 14
Poor Henry 8
My Dog the Cat 16
Sweet Woodland Song 10
Walk Softly Love 12
Kiss Me Again Sweetheart 32
The Art Show 18
Before The Age 13
One Night In April 28
Step By Step 14
Cross Of Feathers 6
Slide On The Ice 12
I Debbie 37
Take My Love with You When You Go 50
The Rain Pool 22
O To Be 10
Paint The Town 38
Come To Me 22
The Christmas Poem 40
The Dog, The Cat and The Tree 14
A Little Girl's Letter 33
Jingle The Christmas Bell 29
Like A Bee To A Flower 16
Full Circle 25
The Bunnies 24
The Rising 12
With A Broken Heart 27
Sing My Friend Sing 18
Eternal Flame 33
Little Boy 35
As I Lay Resting 21
The Prayer 51
Kiss 16
The Puppy Add 13
Stay 10
Southern Comfort 9
A Hot Day In July 10
Strangers 14
Continous 1