Words of Love


  • Love

    Words of Love

    Words of Love

    From You
    I will love you till my dying day
    Your face I wish to see
    The words I love you will fall from my lips
    As you lie down next to me
    You shall never grow old
    In my eyes beautiful you will always be
    Now lie close and hold my hand
    Reminisce with me days of old
    When we met in the park
    And fell in love and you said
    Kiss me again sweetheart
    Well...Kiss me again sweetheart

    From Me
    Should I die today
    I wish to see your face
    To see your warm smile
    And feel your loving embrace
    Take my hand and let us
    Go back and take a walk
    Down that old dirt road
    And kick pebbles as we go
    Remembering how I waited for you
    By the water that
    One night in April
    Yes... that one nigh in April

    From You
    Always know how much I love you
    And how precious you are to me
    You are my sunshine when I wake
    And my stars that shine bright

    From Me
    You are the love of my life
    Your love words ignite my desires
    You are the breath I breathe
    My love...come quench my fire

    From You
    From the park to here
    And from here to eternity
    You will always be my love
    Always remember that
    When my day comes

    From Me
    I cherish you with all my being
    Should my time be now
    Or whenever the Lord calls
    I will forever love you, remember that
    When my day comes

    From You
    Kiss me and hold me
    Now and during my dying hour
    Whisper to me sweet words
    I want to feel your warm breath
    Hold me Dear and don't let go
    My Indian Maiden, My River Dove

    From Me
    My sweet man, love of my life
    Yes I will kiss your soft lips
    And savor the feel of your breathe
    And if and when you should leave me first
    Take my love with you when you go
    Your Indian Maiden, Your River Dove

    Love You
    Love Me

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    Kanicki commented on Words of Love


    Awesome, the intended recipient of your heart must indeed be very special to inspire such beautiful flowing words of love...what touches the heart reaches the heart 10+

    cousinsoren commented on Words of Love


    Wow! This perfect and passionate love serenade needs only a diva and an orchestra. My rating is a full 10.

    knight4696 commented on Words of Love


    Kool - This is awesome! I love the conversational format - very creative and unique ... True love is everlasting. Great write my friend! :) Ken

    Teardrops commented on Words of Love


    this is beautiful . This is love and the purest kind a love for all times . I am glad you posted this for love as this needs to be seen by many thanks for the read Marie

    Mrpoetry commented on Words of Love


    true love last forever and I see you have true love great poem

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    koolmom0’s Poems (67)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Think of Me 0
    Invisible 1
    Walls 0
    Tail Lights Reflecting In My Eyes 1
    The Streets of England 1
    Enchanted Evening 3
    Nook N Cranny 12
    Nakota's Poem 10
    Merry Christmas To All Of You From Ooopsney And River Dove 8
    A Winter Night 8
    His Poem 4
    Ooopsney N River Dove (How It All Began) 9
    Duck? (Happy Thanksgiving from Ooopsney N River Dove) 7
    Indian Polis 11
    The Grabber 10
    I Wonder Where You Are 12
    She's My Baby 7
    The Tree in The Meadow 15
    May Our Love Be 2
    It's A Little Bitty Thing 2
    Kiss Away Your Tears 13
    Closer Still 10
    When We Can't Touch 21
    Words of Love 12
    Fire 10
    Ooopsney's Key 14
    Poor Henry 8
    My Dog the Cat 16
    Sweet Woodland Song 10
    Walk Softly Love 12
    Kiss Me Again Sweetheart 32
    The Art Show 18
    Before The Age 13
    One Night In April 28
    Step By Step 14
    Cross Of Feathers 6
    Slide On The Ice 12
    I Debbie 37
    Take My Love with You When You Go 50
    The Rain Pool 22
    O To Be 10
    Paint The Town 38
    Come To Me 22
    The Christmas Poem 40
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    Jingle The Christmas Bell 29
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