Kiss Away Your Tears


  • Sorrow

    Kiss Away Your Tears

    Kiss Away Your Tears
    Don’t cry self Please don’t cry
    He isn’t worth your tears
    Nor the kindness you had for him
    Through out all these years

    My self sobbed, tears streamed
    Fell softly down her cheeks
    Red face and puffy eyes
    Glistened as she heard me speak

    I wrapped my arms around my self
    And I rocked her, holding her tight
    Clinging to me as if no tomorrow
    And the morning would bring no light

    I rocked and swayed not letting my self go
    Don’t worry I said to her, for tomorrow
    Will bring a new day, a new love
    And your heart will shine with a new glow

    So don’t cry self, Please don’t cry
    For him no more of your precious tears
    Dry your eyes my sweet self
    And hold your head high my dear

    He can not hurt you anymore
    No further damage can he do
    There is a new love waiting
    And his love is forever true

    Rock a bye Rock a bye Rock a bye self
    Silence your sobs, calm your fears
    The one who loves you, loves you true
    Rock a bye Rock a bye, kiss away your tears

    By Rita Kay Webb

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    Chaos128 commented on Kiss Away Your Tears


    A very kool and original take on an affecting theme. The kind it would take a very koolmom to pull off : )

    cousinsoren commented on Kiss Away Your Tears


    This is a poignant story with a beautiful and effective final stanza of the Nursery Rhyme genre. ":Rock a bye Rock a bye Rock a bye self Silence your sobs, calm your fears The one who loves you, loves you true Rock a bye Rock a bye, kiss away your tears" The poet subtly addresses the alter ego, as if in an ode or apostrophe . Her poetic style is simple and her diction clear and familiar. My rating for flawless composition in un-rhymed quatrains is 10.

    Amber041792 commented on Kiss Away Your Tears


    I am in love with this piece! Absolutely magnificant! So pure!



    Thank you Amber:))

    MrGee commented on Kiss Away Your Tears


    OUTSTANDING! One of your best. The poem reveals so much and awakens thoughts of moving on. Bravo! an obvious 10.



    Thank you Gee :))

    ImStillHere commented on Kiss Away Your Tears


    hmm... this sounds like youre trying to comfort yourself, but are using another "self" to do it. quite unique. ~Audrey



    Thank You Audrey :))

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    koolmom0’s Poems (67)

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