The Grabber


The Grabber

The Grabber

Baby where's that grabber
Uhh..what grabber...say me
Oh you picker upper...say you
You know River Dove...what I use in the yard
Ohh...say me...hmm...that thing
Ahh Ohh...River Dove? What did you do...say you
Well Ooopsney...say me
I sat down and I didn't see it there
And it grabbed me and I thought it was one of
Them there big ole pinchin bugs cause it hurt
And I tried and tried to free up my butt cheek
But the harder I tried, the tighter it pinched.
Then the door bell rang, so I made my way
To the door with a big ole grab pole swayin
Back and forth from my butt, I swear it looked
Like I had a big ole tail, and the more I walked
The tighter that thing pinched, so I was walkin
Pretty funny, my knees were knocked, my left
Hip stuck way over to the side, and I grabbed my
Boobs for support cause it hurt too much to grab
My butt...well I finally made it to the door and
lo and behold it was Thelma...the preachers wife.
She said oh my River Dove you don't look well today.
I said that's cause I have a grabber stuck to my butt Ma'am
Ohh my...say her and she tried and tried to free me up
But Ooopsney the more she tried the tighter the
Thing got and it hurt. So then she went lookin for
Your tools, she grabbed the crowbar and a pair
Channel locks, and a hammer. Well when I saw
Her comin at me with all them tools I went runnin.
Thing is...she ran after me and I ran out the door
And she followed. I was runnin with all my might
Down the street and you know Ooopsney...that
Grabber fell right off but it bounced and went
Down a manhole and I heard someone scream
Down there and I looked back at the preacher's
Wife and she was being arrested for chasin me
With all them tools. But my butt sure felt a lot better
And later the preacher got the Mrs out of jail, and when
She and I told him the story...he had the same
Look on his face that you have on yours Ooopsney
Only he rubbed his forehead and said Lord have mercy
So that's what happened to your grabber Ooopsney...
Those things are dangerous, and I have a big
Ole bruise.......Look....see?
Yeah...I see...say you
I love you Ooopsney...but no more grabbers...ok?
Yeah...Ok...I love you too River Dove

By Rita Kay Webb

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StandingBear commented on The Grabber


Outstanding creativity, ebbing and flowing gently as the waves of the sea recede back into the sea. On a hilarious note, there simply isn't a better comedic series available to read and enjoy on OP..*say you*, yeah! Bear Bear

spbsdude commented on The Grabber


This is so hilarious that it made me chuckle. I love your characters River Dove and Ooopsney. They are adorable. Nice job.



LOL Thank you so much I'm glad you enjoy them :) Rita

ImStillHere commented on The Grabber


hahahaha thats so cute :) i think ill put this one under "favs" ~Audrey

gogant commented on The Grabber


It's new and interesting, for sure. Kind of like a comical crazy dream, with Charlie Brown and Alice (in wonderland) mixing it up. Very good, Rita.......................................................gogant

julieannetx commented on The Grabber


I was picturing the whole scenario! Good laugh...humor needed! Thanks!



Thank you again Julie, I have several of these written, I am hoping to write them as cartoons someday. :) Rita

Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

Unknown Source

koolmom0’s Poems (67)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Think of Me 0
Invisible 1
Walls 0
Tail Lights Reflecting In My Eyes 1
The Streets of England 1
Enchanted Evening 3
Nook N Cranny 12
Nakota's Poem 10
Merry Christmas To All Of You From Ooopsney And River Dove 8
A Winter Night 8
His Poem 4
Ooopsney N River Dove (How It All Began) 9
Duck? (Happy Thanksgiving from Ooopsney N River Dove) 7
Indian Polis 11
The Grabber 10
I Wonder Where You Are 12
She's My Baby 7
The Tree in The Meadow 15
May Our Love Be 2
It's A Little Bitty Thing 2
Kiss Away Your Tears 13
Closer Still 10
When We Can't Touch 21
Words of Love 12
Fire 10
Ooopsney's Key 14
Poor Henry 8
My Dog the Cat 16
Sweet Woodland Song 10
Walk Softly Love 12
Kiss Me Again Sweetheart 32
The Art Show 18
Before The Age 13
One Night In April 28
Step By Step 14
Cross Of Feathers 6
Slide On The Ice 12
I Debbie 37
Take My Love with You When You Go 50
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O To Be 10
Paint The Town 38
Come To Me 22
The Christmas Poem 40
The Dog, The Cat and The Tree 14
A Little Girl's Letter 33
Jingle The Christmas Bell 29
Like A Bee To A Flower 16
Full Circle 25
The Bunnies 24
The Rising 12
With A Broken Heart 27
Sing My Friend Sing 18
Eternal Flame 33
Little Boy 35
As I Lay Resting 21
The Prayer 51
Kiss 16
The Puppy Add 13
Stay 10
Southern Comfort 9
A Hot Day In July 10
Strangers 14
Continous 1