Indian Polis


Indian Polis

Whatcha doin...say you
Lookin at the map...say me
Why...say you
Cause I want to go back there...say me
Back where River Dove?
Indian Polis...say me
What the hell...say you
Indian Polis....
What are you talkin bout River Dove
You Know Ooopsney...say me
That place we went know
That big city where all them shoppin places are
River Dove we went to a lot of big cities baby
But I don't recall no Indian Polis
Was there Indians there doing a Pow Wow
No Ooopsney, no Indians, no Pow Wow
Ooopsney...why would the Indians pow
Each other....I mean being powed would hurt
No River Dove they don't hurt each other
Well Ooopsney if they pow wow'd me it would hurt
No wouldn't, a Pow Wow is a dance
A dance...say me....Oh Ooopsney lets pow wow then...
Now wait River Dove what about that place
You were looking up...I never heard of it before
You know Ooopsney its where they have all them
Racing cars...five hundred of them
I swear Ooopsney...I don't know how they fit them all
On the track...that's a lot of cars
Ohhh...say you
River that's not Indian Polis
Oh yes it is Ooopsney, I have the flyer it is...This word is Indian
And Ooopsney...this word is Polis
River Dove...say you...
Baby...that's Indianapolis
And it isn't five hundred cars...
It's the Indy 500
Well Ooopsney why does this flyer say
Indian Polis... huh....
See Ooopsney you don't know where it is either.
I'm gonna find it on the map Ooopsney
Cause I want to go there
I don't wanna go to Indianapolis and see the Indy 500
I want to go to Indian Polis and see five hundred cars
Cause I'm holden the flyer that says Indian Polis
Ok my lil bright star...say you...
We'll go to Indian Polis
Yay!!!!!!!!!! Say Me
I love you Ooopsney
Yeah...I love you too River Dove
Ooopsney...say me
Yeah...say you
Pow Wow me baby...say me
Oooo la la...say you

By Rita Kay Webb

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spbsdude commented on Indian Polis


Very cute and clever. I like the voices you give each of the two characters, Very creative.



Thank you very much, they are my lil characters. :) Rita

MindNumbing commented on Indian Polis


HAHA!!! This is too sweet, Rita!! I'm from Indian Polis, and I have some firsthand knowledge of them there 500 cars ;)



LOL Thank you for reading for me, that's a whole lota cars...:) Rita

Olan01 commented on Indian Polis


Dialog is hard to do and maintain a since of humor. Olan say, "Thank you and I went to the Polis to shop the other day."



LOL I'm glad you went to the Polis to shop Olan, did you happen to see Ooopsney n River Dove? LOL Thank you for reading for me. :) Rita

gogant commented on Indian Polis


I forgot to throw in........Indian (ap) Polis......cute............I say.....or was it ooopsney ???



Shoot have me confused now...say me.....hahahahah!!

gogant commented on Indian Polis


You've mixed it up enough to keep me wondering about your sanity.....ooopsney, I say....hey you say.....that's good, I say......

Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

Unknown Source

koolmom0’s Poems (67)

Title Comments
Title Comments
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Invisible 1
Walls 0
Tail Lights Reflecting In My Eyes 1
The Streets of England 1
Enchanted Evening 3
Nook N Cranny 12
Nakota's Poem 10
Merry Christmas To All Of You From Ooopsney And River Dove 8
A Winter Night 8
His Poem 4
Ooopsney N River Dove (How It All Began) 9
Duck? (Happy Thanksgiving from Ooopsney N River Dove) 7
Indian Polis 11
The Grabber 10
I Wonder Where You Are 12
She's My Baby 7
The Tree in The Meadow 15
May Our Love Be 2
It's A Little Bitty Thing 2
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Closer Still 10
When We Can't Touch 21
Words of Love 12
Fire 10
Ooopsney's Key 14
Poor Henry 8
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Eternal Flame 33
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Continous 1