dustydai’s Profile

I love the rain! I hate the pain, I only wish to see you again. So keep in touch cause it means so much.

  • Age: private
  • Location: Espanola, NM
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


I attend the college here in Northern New Mexico and writing is my passion. I love life and living, I accept life as a gift from God and I try to live each day as if it were my last and love people as if I'll never see them again. I've had a very interesting and different life but I'd never trade one second of it. I've learned to treasure every moment past, present, and future. I'm always looking for new friends.


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Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

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dustydai’s Poems (12)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Let it End 3
Inside Myself 6
Did I? 13
I Don't Know 4
e Corpse
Moon Dream 8
The Bandit 7
The Casino 3
Separation 6
My Poetry 5
Silent Heroes-The Mercenary 5