Inside Myself


  • dustydai
  • I love the rain! I hate the pain, I only wish to see you again. So keep in touch cause it means so much.

Inside Myself

Sometimes I hide inside myself.
There's only me and no one else.
It's quiet, peaceful, happy, and sad,
sometimes when I'm there, I go quite mad.

Sometimes I turn my inside out,
a crazy place of noise and shout.

Where I can let my thoughts run wild,
yell and scream like a little child.

Inside myself I am so free, to be
whoever, whatever, I want to be.

This place is mine and mine alone,
sometimes hell, sometimes home.

Sometimes I go there for solitude,
only, to treat myself as rude.

Inside myself there are no lies,
for in this place, only truth resides.

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redbloodink commented on Inside Myself


awsome work..... I relate to this writing.... I'm living this writing right now..... in my own way... It almost descibed me to a t to be hounest so much it was scary in a good way while I was reading it.... Thank you so much for sharing this art work with me..... Red.......

MarionYost commented on Inside Myself


Wow.. That's amazing. I have one Named "Man In the Glass" that Comes from a very different perspective.... Great poem.... Thanks for your feed back as well. all the best -Marion-

HakiNatuwah1 commented on Inside Myself


I love this captured how i feel right down to the last line....You my friend is a true poet and a genuis if I may add.....Thanks for sharing!!!

devaamido commented on Inside Myself


The trouble is that if we depend on "mind chatter" for entertainment, it may be hard to keep from confusing "wishful thinking" or "primal fears" from reality. Without learning how to observe this kaleidoscope of "reality simulations" of the mind, instead of identifying with them, they can be quite confusing, & not always pleasant. I like the poem.

gogant commented on Inside Myself


I'll bet you like solitaire, but would love to have a wild romantic cruise to tomorrowland. A very clean, sweet, and sensible poem my dear...

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

dustydai’s Poems (12)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Let it End 3
Inside Myself 6
Did I? 13
I Don't Know 4
e Corpse
Moon Dream 8
The Bandit 7
The Casino 3
Separation 6
My Poetry 5
Silent Heroes-The Mercenary 5