Moon Dream


  • Fantasy
    • dustydai
    • I love the rain! I hate the pain, I only wish to see you again. So keep in touch cause it means so much.

    Moon Dream

    I prance across the night
    blue sky

    upon my unicorn,
    "Miss July."

    We dart between the
    stars so bright,

    as a comet cuts through
    the dark, blue night.

    Riding along the
    Milky Way,

    I want to dismount
    so I can stay.

    Just for awhile
    to linger here,

    amidst the trail
    of milky tiers.

    For in this place,
    I have no fears,

    feel no pain,
    shed no tears.

    Across the moon,
    Miss July takes me

    a shooting star
    dives below night seas.

    We trot along through
    skies so fresh,

    I take in a long,
    refreshing breath.

    I see a light break through
    the night,

    I know behind it,
    a sun shines bright.

    How I wish to stay
    right here,

    I feel my eyes fill
    up with tears.

    For now I know I must
    say "Good-Bye" to my

    dream friend,
    "Miss July"

    Poem Comments


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    gogant commented on Moon Dream


    Hey don't we all wish we could go galloping off across the it on a unicorn, or just a mystical flying carpet, and dwell there for evermore, or at least a day...

    bandit1192 commented on Moon Dream


    I enjoyed the celestial trip with you. Favorite line... For in this place I have no fears, feel no pain and shed no tears. Thanks for taking me along. TS

    sammia commented on Moon Dream


    I like the flow of this poem. I could picture this in my mind and felt like i was there. Great write and keep writing



    Samantha, I appreciate and value your comments and friendship, so very much! God Bless You and Yours, Forever, Paula

    jferclark commented on Moon Dream


    I truly felt as if I were in this fantasy land... good write and rhythm.

    1990lh commented on Moon Dream


    great i really enjoyed reading, i love fantasy poems makes you forget troubles. nice write

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    dustydai’s Poems (12)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Let it End 3
    Inside Myself 6
    Did I? 13
    I Don't Know 4
    e Corpse
    DNA 1
    Moon Dream 8
    The Bandit 7
    The Casino 3
    Separation 6
    My Poetry 5
    Silent Heroes-The Mercenary 5