I Don't Know


  • dustydai
  • I love the rain! I hate the pain, I only wish to see you again. So keep in touch cause it means so much.

I Don't Know

How much longer
will I be here?
I don't know

Will another soul
find me to be dear?
I don't know

As long as I am here
I know one thing,
I will dance, I'll shout
and I will sing!

Life's too short
to waste away,
wondering what comes
from day to day.

So I'll celebrate
this life I live,
and to others
my love I'll give!

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gogant commented on I Don't Know


A good outlook on life...and you put it to words here, very well...

SpiritSong commented on I Don't Know


Another thought provoking write Dustydai..thank you for sharing it with us all.. I agree with Mrpoetry..It is a wonderful place when we have our lives hid in Messiah...the more time we spend any time of the day or night in His word and presence, the contentment, joy and shalom peace come as well...He is a safe place no matter what is happening around us...How wonderful are your thoughts toward us oh YHWH my creator, how great the sum of them, were I to count them they would out number the grains of sand in the sea, when I awake I am still with you... Ps 139:17..have a beautiful evening.."SpiritSong"

Mrpoetry commented on I Don't Know


God has all the answers, so when you celebrate, include Him and you will have the best celebration you ever had



Mrpoetry, all your comments are so special to me, as I know what a great writer you are. thank you so very much! Paula

bandit1192 commented on I Don't Know


No one knows what tomorrow will bring. Live life in a way that makes you happy. I like this, simple and inspiring. Thanks for sharing, TS

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

dustydai’s Poems (12)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Let it End 3
Inside Myself 6
Did I? 13
I Don't Know 4
e Corpse
Moon Dream 8
The Bandit 7
The Casino 3
Separation 6
My Poetry 5
Silent Heroes-The Mercenary 5