The Bandit


  • dustydai
  • I love the rain! I hate the pain, I only wish to see you again. So keep in touch cause it means so much.

The Bandit

An appointment, a class, an assignment
to finish,
a bandit comes by and the moment
is diminished.

I've felt him stealing away pieces
of my life, bit by bit,
piece by piece.

Sometimes he seems an evil, little culprit
as he watches me endure
tough, sad moments,
as they drag slowly by.

He becomes a very generous fellow,
when things are going wrong/
He becomes a giver of sorts,
a giver of himself.

It seems that he enjoys watching me
feel all my grief, in slow motion.

When I was younger I didn't realize
how very precious he was.
I took advantage of him,
not realizing what I was doing.

He has scattered me
in many different directions.

He is a chaos-maker,
everything seems harried.

He is a thief, a bandit of sorts,
he piles me up with many tasks
and never gives enough of himself,
so I may complete even one of them.

I've tried to control him,
even comtain him.
But he is uncontrolled, undefined,
and undeniably selfish.

He is a giver and a taker, always giving
at the wrong times,
when I need for him to make himself scarce,

and taking when I need him the most.
And even now, while writing these thoughts,
I'm running out of words and TIME.

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bandit1192 commented on The Bandit


I read your note in the forum, so I thought I'd stop by to visit. The title of this poem caught my eye. Just had to read it. It's the one thing we never seem to have enough of, time. The thief standing by with the stop watch, knowing when precious time is at hand. And we, being simply, mere mortals don't realize our time here is planned . Good poem TS



Thank you for your comments, I sort of thought that this one might catch your eye,I wrote this poem as an assignment for a poetry class at my college 2 yrs ago. Please don't hesitate to let me know if you find fault with any of my poems,I do appreciate constructive criticism, I really enjoyed reading some of your poems too and I'll continue to do so.

jferclark commented on The Bandit


I really liked this poem... I have much to say about it but will send aprivate message.

Milkman commented on The Bandit


the theme of this piece is excellent, so ever-present to all our lives yet so lightly regarded we are to its consequences.. needes some editing mostly for word economy and image buiding

latinangel commented on The Bandit


I like the way you describe a bandit as a stealer of time and energy. Many times I feel there is not enough time in the day to do all the things I want and need to do. The flow of your poem is very smooth. Great work.

GuitarMomma commented on The Bandit


I like this... I never thought of a Bandit being this way... My mother in law has written a song called the bandit, which describes a bandit (while still an outlaw) as a good guy. Or at least, a here now, gone again, cowboy. I like this take on it... It's really good Dusty.



Thank You, I really like your songs&poems



Thank You, I really like your songs&poems

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

dustydai’s Poems (12)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Let it End 3
Inside Myself 6
Did I? 13
I Don't Know 4
e Corpse
Moon Dream 8
The Bandit 7
The Casino 3
Separation 6
My Poetry 5
Silent Heroes-The Mercenary 5