Before The Age


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    Before The Age

    Before The Age

    From my front porch I watch them play

    And travel back to my youthful days

    I laughed and ran with agility

    When I was young, all was possibility

    From my front porch I sway and rock

    Minutes are swift upon the old clock

    Time goes by as I watch them play

    I smile with thought of my youthful days

    From my front porch I watch girl with beau

    Hand in hand along the street they stroll

    I’m taken back to a different time

    When I was his and he was mine

    From my front porch I watch the m play

    And travel back to my youthful days

    By Rita Kay Webb

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    kdarcy commented on Before The Age


    Memories are a precious thing, something many forget or take for granted. Thanks, ken

    Mandi commented on Before The Age


    well, we do have some things in common. WE both remember the pporch and the swing etc, those were the g ood old days

    gogant commented on Before The Age


    Well Rita, if you sit there on your front porch watching others stroll by....a knight in shinning armor is liable to stop and ask you to climb on....and off you will go...into those days of yesteryears. So keep smiling that wonderful charming smile of yours, and it may happen when you least expect it................g

    gregster commented on Before The Age


    wow this is very are a great poet,,...i like

    FitzHouston09 commented on Before The Age


    Great imagery! I found myself going back to my youthful days and remembering as I read your poem.. thanks for sharing. Fitz

    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    koolmom0’s Poems (67)

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