Love In My Past


Love In My Past

Love In My Past


A planted seed, in my life, indeed, has brought me so much pain.

I’ve ruined lives and been despised by hearts that I have slain.

The few of you, I’ve been true to, should feel so very blessed.

There’s many more, I’ve had before, who may be unimpressed.

Not that I’ve been, the worst of men, at times I have been on guard.

When with them all, I’d build up walls, tearing them down was hard.

Complete distrust, this was a must, for surely, she connived.

And if she would, do something good, I’d be pleasantly surprised.

But if she’d cheat, you know what’s sweet and simply so divine?

I knew in my heart, right from the start, she’d do it all the time!

Left all alone, to fend for my own, and take care of my brother.

A hotel room, my love entombed, by actions of my mother.

For in that room, my boyhood tomb, my love was truly spurned.

She left for work, and I was forever hurt, because she never did return.

I guess in her plans, I was a man, well; enough to handle hell.

For I was rough, and tough enough, at the ripe old age of twelve.

Could not believe, of sweet reprieve, given by another.

When treated wrong, so very long, by my very own mother.

Treated as such, by one I loved so much, how could I ever care?

At a young age, the path was paved, by pain beyond compare.

So if in the past, I’ve been an ass, I didn’t mean it so.

In love, emotionally, I could not be and would not dare to go.

When in the sack, Shiiiitt! I was The Mack, I’d put my stroke down smooth.

If, love, Stella lacks and she wanted it back, I could not help her find her groove.

I could take her hand, to orgasmland and ride on every ride.

But if it’s love, she’s thinking of, she’d surely be denied.

That’s in the past, I’m free at last and Love is my middle name.

Those lessons taught, true love was wrought, and formed in pain’s own flame.

I’ve learned from some, of how love’s done, and how she should be treated.

The pain I’ve caused, and love I’ve lost, can never be repeated.

If you know me, and are one of the She, and you never stood a chance.

Then just know that I, could not reply, when you spoke about romance.

I could not live, long enough to give, the love that I have been given.

I owe you all, for answering love’s call, while I was in love’s prison.

I apologize, for when I told you lies, to keep my heart from pain.

But my pain was pure, my heart insecure, and I had woman to blame!

So now I stand, a loving man, who knows love’s painful cost.

And I tell all men, with a knowing grin, if you haven’t loved then you’ve truly lost!

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shakeme4life commented on Love In My Past


Wow phatdaddee this poem needs it's props. Some have waited a lifetime to hear a man fess up!



Ha Ha Ha! Just being honest. The truth has truly set me free! Thank you for reading!

1SweetAngel commented on Love In My Past


This is beautiful and very well written. I was entangled in your words, yet it was more than just a story, it feels real. I like this piece a lot



Thank you very much Sweetness! It is more than just a story it is my life. Thanks again for reading!

bubbles12 commented on Love In My Past


i love this poem it is awesome just like you add me on heree cuz ur awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MsKrystle commented on Love In My Past


Wow. I am speechless.I love it. So do you think you can ever love someone? Third line from the last i think it should be "...had one woman to blame" (suggestion) Overall this is very good. That pic goes perfect with this poem. I have a semi new one too if you wanna check it out



Thank you but I like to say "woman" because I did not just blame her, I blamed womankind! I was a kid after all.

JadedJezzabel commented on Love In My Past


fantastic.......phat this is the best one you have written......i know you dug deep down for this and that in its self is truly poetic. one thing i would change in the 3rd to the last have woman and it should be women. a ten ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ from me.



It was only one woman Suzy, my mom! thanks for reading and commenting always!



my bad dear sorry. love you!



no need for apology love, I need your help! I was just explaining why I used woman and apparently it threw o ther people off also!

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

phatdaddee’s Poems (28)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Step Out 3
Love Your Mind 0
True Godly Love 2
Weatherman 1
Life Is Pain 3
The Meaning of Life. 4
Phatville 2
Bloodline 2
Death of a Facebook Page 3
I Was Just Thinking.....
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Before you were 15
Suzy Q 2
UNMASKED A Poem for S.Q. 8
To Taste A Tear 8
My Tongue 12
Land Of The Free 9
A Wedding Toast 7
"IT" 4
Touch Me! 7
We Used To..... 4