Lesson's Learned


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    Lesson's Learned

    I have brought a lot of pain,
    to people I never knew.
    All just for fun,
    and the love of the game.
    I've watched people die,
    and not shed a tear.
    I've watched them born,
    only to watch them die shortly after.
    I've caused much pain,
    to my family and me,
    only to learn,
    the game is not always nice,
    to the people you love.
    I spent many nights in jail,
    banging on the walls,
    wishing someone,
    would unlock the door,
    and let me out.
    To the people I never knew,
    I am sorry for the pain,
    I inflicted on your life.
    To all my dead people,
    I am sorry for ever,
    introducing you to this life.
    At the time,
    I was not sorry
    nor remorseful.
    I was full of respect,
    for my people,
    but never for one I didn't know.
    I had no heart,
    it was dead and empty.
    It took many years
    but in time I learned,
    that this was just
    one of life's lesson's learned!

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    pianocutie7 commented on Lesson's Learned


    wow very deep poem i like it

    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    mistyparish’s Poems (25)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Is There Love Like This? 6
    Games 0
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    Lesson's Learned 2
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    What I want! 4
    YOU 3
    Confused? 4
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    Love Making 4
    I Dreamed of You 3
    Tired 8
    To the One I Don't Know 2
    A Journey through Life 2
    Here I sit 6
    Heaven 6
    Trust 2
    A life of love 3
    When I'm gone 7
    I sit and think 7
    I Wish 6
    Son 3
    Thoughts of Mother 7
    Brother 5